ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ Haralambous & DürstProceedingsHonda ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-0-9
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-1-6

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Emojis: A Grapholinguistic Approach
Christa Dürscheid ORCID iD icon & Dimitrios Meletis ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. The present article stands at the interface of CMC research and grapholinguistics. After outlining which features are typical of the writing of private text messages, the focus of the first part of the paper (Sections 2 and 3) lies on the use of emojis. Notably, emoji use is not—as is commonly done—analyzed under a pragmatic perspective, but grapholinguistically, at the graphetic and graphematic levels: emojis are conceptualized as visual shapes that may assume graphematic functions within a given writing system. In the second part (Section 4), it is underlined that all variants of written digital communication (such as the use of emojis, but also all other characters) are made possible only due to the Unicode Consortium's decisions; this, finally, is argued to have far-reaching consequences for the future of writing.


Beißwenger, Michael and Steffen Pappert (2019). Handeln mit Emojis. Grundriss einer Linguistik kleiner Bildzeichen in der WhatsApp-Kommunikation. Duisburg, Essen: Universitätsverlag Rhein Ruhr.

Bieswanger, Markus (2013). “Micro-Linguistic Structural Features of Computer-Mediated Communication”. In: Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication. Ed. by Susan C. Herring, Dieter Stein, and Tuija Virtanen. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 463–485.

Dainas, Ashley R. and Susan C. Herring (in press). “Interpreting Emoji Pragmatics”. In: Internet Pragmatics: Theory and Practice. Ed. by C. Xie, F. Yus, and H. Haberland. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Danesi, Marcel (2016). The Semiotics of Emoji. The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Daniels, Peter T. (2018). An Exploration of Writing. Sheffield: Equinox.

Dürscheid, Christa (2005). “Medien, Kommunikationsformen, kommunikative Gattungen”. In: Linguistik online 22/1.

_____________ (2016). Einführung in die Schriftlinguistik. 5th ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

_____________ (2018). “Bild, Schrift, Unicode”. In: Sprache—Mensch—Maschine. Beiträge zu Sprache und Sprachwissenschaft, Computerlinguistik und Informationstechnologie für Jürgen Rolshoven aus Anlass seines sechsundsechzigsten Geburtstages. Ed. by Guido Mensching et al. Cologne: KUPS, pp. 269–285.

Dürscheid, Christa and Karina Frick (2016). Schreiben digital. Wie das Internet unsere Alltagskommunikation verändert. Stuttgart: Kröner.

Dürscheid, Christa and Christina M. Siever (2017). “Jenseits des Alphabets. Kommunikation mit Emojis”. In: Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 45.2, pp. 256–285.

Haralambous, Yannis and Martin Dürst (in this volume). “Unicode from a Linguistic Point of View”.

Herring, Susan C. and Ashley R. Dainas (2017). “Nice Picture Comment! Graphicons in Facebook Comment Threads”. In: Proceedings of the Fiftieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50). Los Alamitos: IEEE Press, pp. 2185–2194.

Herring, Susan C., Dieter Stein, and Tuija Virtanen, eds. (2013). Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.

Jucker, Andreas H., Heiko Hausendorf, Christa Dürscheid, et al. (2018). “Doing Space in Face-to-Face-Interaction and on Interactive Multimodal Platforms”. In: Journal of Pragmatics 134, pp. 85–101.

Küster, Marc Wilhelm (in this volume). “Open and Closed Writing Systems. Some Reflections”.

Meletis, Dimitrios (in press). “The Grapheme as a Universal Basic Unit of Writing”. In: Writing Systems Research.

_____________ (2018). “What is Natural in Writing? Prolegomena to a Natural Grapholinguistics”. In: Written Language and Literacy 21.1, pp. 52–88.

_____________ (2019). “Naturalness in Scripts and Writing Systems: Outlining a Natural Grapholinguistics”. PhD thesis. University of Graz.

Neef, Martin (2015). “Writing Systems as Modular Objects: Proposals for Theory Design in Grapholinguistics”. In: Open Linguistics 1, pp. 708–721.

Pappert, Steffen (2017). “Zu kommunikativen Funktionen von Emojis in der WhatsAppKommunikation”. In: Empirische Erforschung internetbasierter Kommunikation. Ed. by Michael Beißwenger. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 175–211.

Ueberwasser, Simone and Elisabeth Stark (2017). “What’s Up, Switzerland? A Corpus-Based Research Project in Multilingual Switzerland”. In: Linguistik Online 84/5. <06.09.2019>.

Unger, J. Marshall (1990). “The Very Idea: The Notion of Ideogram in China and Japan”. In: Monumenta Nipponica 45.4, pp. 391–411.

Weingarten, Rüdiger (2011). “Comparative Graphematics”. In: Written Language and Literacy 14.1, pp. 12–38.

   AUTHOR = {Haralambous, Yannis and Dürst, Martin},
   TITLE = {{Unicode from a Linguistic Point of View}},
   YEAR = {in this volume},

   AUTHOR = {Küster, Marc Wilhelm},
   TITLE = {{Open and Closed Writing Systems. Some Reflections}},
   YEAR = {in this volume},

   AUTHOR = {Beißwenger, Michael and Pappert, Steffen},
   TITLE = {{Handeln mit Emojis. Grundriss einer Linguistik kleiner Bildzeichen 
   in der WhatsApp-Kommunikation}},
   PUBLISHER = {Universitätsverlag Rhein Ruhr},
   ADDRESS = {Duisburg, Essen},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Bieswanger, Markus},
   EDITOR = {Herring, Susan C. and Stein, Dieter and Virtanen, Tuija},
   TITLE = {{Micro-Linguistic Structural Features of Computer-Me\-dia\-ted Communication}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Pragmatics of Computer-Me\-dia\-ted Communication}},
   PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin, Boston},
   YEAR = {2013},
   PAGES = {463--485},

   AUTHOR = {Dainas, Ashley R. and Herring, Susan C.},
   EDITOR = {Xie, C. and Yus, F. and Haberland, H.},
   TITLE = {{Interpreting Emoji Pragmatics}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Internet Pragmatics: Theory and Practice}},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {in press},

   AUTHOR = {Danesi, Marcel},
   TITLE = {{The Semiotics of Emoji. The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet}},
   PUBLISHER = {Bloomsbury Publishing},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2016},

   AUTHOR = {Daniels, Peter T.},
   TITLE = {{An Exploration of Writing}},
   PUBLISHER = {Equinox},
   ADDRESS = {Sheffield},
   YEAR = {2018},

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa},
   TITLE = {{Medien, Kommunikationsformen, kommunikative Gattungen}},
   JOURNAL = {Linguistik online},
   YEAR = {2005},
   VOLUME = {22/1},

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa},
   TITLE = {{Einführung in die Schriftlinguistik}},
   EDITION = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht},
   ADDRESS = {Göttingen},
   YEAR = {2016},

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa},
   EDITOR = {Mensching, Guido and Lalande, Jean-Yves and Hermes, Jürgen and Neuefeind, Claes},
   TITLE = {{Bild, Schrift, Unicode}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Sprache---Mensch---Maschine. Beiträge zu Sprache und Sprachwissenschaft, 
   Computerlinguistik und Informations\-technologie für Jürgen Rolshoven aus Anlass seines 
   sechsundsechzigsten Geburts\-tages}},
   ADDRESS = {Cologne},
   YEAR = {2018},
   PAGES = {269--285},

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa and Frick, Karina},
   TITLE = {{Schreiben digital. Wie das Internet unsere All\-tags\-kom\-mu\-ni\-ka\-tion 
   PUBLISHER = {Kröner},
   ADDRESS = {Stuttgart},
   YEAR = {2016},

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa and Siever, Christina M.},
   TITLE = {{Jenseits des Alphabets. Kommunikation mit Emojis}},
   JOURNAL = {Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {45.2},
   PAGES = {256--285},

   EDITOR = {Herring, Susan C. and Stein, Dieter and Virtanen, Tuija},
   TITLE = {{Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication}},
   PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin, Boston},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Herring, Susan C. and Dainas, Ashley R.},
   TITLE = {{Nice Picture Comment! Graphicons in Facebook Comment Threads}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the Fiftieth Hawaii International Conference on System 
   Sciences (HICSS-50)}},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press},
   ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos},
   YEAR = {2017},
   PAGES = {2185--2194},

   AUTHOR = {Jucker, Andreas H. and Hausendorf, Heiko and Dürscheid, Christa and others},
   TITLE = {{Doing Space in Face-to-Face-Interaction and on Interactive Multimodal Platforms}},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Pragmatics},
   YEAR = {2018},
   VOLUME = {134},
   PAGES = {85--101},

   AUTHOR = {Meletis, Dimitrios},
   TITLE = {{What is Natural in Writing? Prolegomena to a Natural Grapholinguistics}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
   YEAR = {2018},
   VOLUME = {21.1},
   PAGES = {52--88},

   AUTHOR = {Meletis, Dimitrios},
   TITLE = {{Naturalness in Scripts and Writing Systems: Outlining a Natural Grapholinguistics}},
   SCHOOL = {University of Graz},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Neef, Martin},
   TITLE = {{Writing Systems as Modular Objects: Proposals for Theory Design in Grapholinguistics}},
   JOURNAL = {Open Linguistics},
   YEAR = {2015},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {708--721},

   AUTHOR = {Meletis, Dimitrios},
   TITLE = {{The Grapheme as a Universal Basic Unit of Writing}},
   JOURNAL = {Writing Systems Research},
   YEAR = {in press},

   EDITOR = {Neef, Martin and Sahel, Said and Weingarten, Rüdiger},
   TITLE = {{Schriftlinguistik/\hskip0ptGrapholinguistics}},
   MAINTITLE = {{Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science}},
   PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin, Boston},
   YEAR = {2012-},
   VOLUME = {5},

   AUTHOR = {Pappert, Steffen},
   EDITOR = {Beißwenger, Michael},
   TITLE = {{Zu kommunikativen Funktionen von Emojis in der Whats\-App\yh-Kommunikation}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Empirische Erforschung internet\-ba\-sier\-ter Kommunikation}},
   PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin, Boston},
   YEAR = {2017},
   PAGES = {175--211},

   AUTHOR = {Ueberwasser, Simone and Stark, Elisabeth},
   TITLE = {{What's Up, Switzerland? A Corpus-Based Research Project in Multilingual 
   JOURNAL = {Linguistik Online},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {84/5},
   NOTE = {\url{} <06.09.2019>},

   AUTHOR = {Unger, J. Marshall},
   TITLE = {{The Very Idea: The Notion of Ideogram in China and Japan}},
   JOURNAL = {Monumenta Nipponica},
   YEAR = {1990},
   VOLUME = {45.4},
   PAGES = {391--411},

   AUTHOR = {Weingarten, Rüdiger},
   TITLE = {{Comparative Graphematics}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
   YEAR = {2011},
   VOLUME = {14.1},
   PAGES = {12--38},

Christa Dürscheid ORCID iD icon & Dimitrios Meletis ORCID iD icon (2019), Emojis: A Grapholinguistic Approach, in Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Brest: Fluxus Editions, 167–183

   AUTHOR = {Dürscheid, Christa and Meletis, Dimitrios},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{Emojis: A Grapholinguistic Approach}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018}},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2019},
   PAGES = {167--183},
   DOI = {},