ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ Dürscheid & MeletisProceedingsSlaměníková ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-0-9
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-1-6

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What Do Kanji Graphs Represent in the Current Japanese Writing system? Towards a Unified Model of Kanji as Written Signs
Keisuke Honda ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. In the current Japanese writing system, kanji graphs constitute a major subpart of its signary. There are two opposing views on how to characterise them in linguistic terms, making different claims about the type of linguistic unit they represent. The first view claims that kanji graphs are based primarily on the morpheme because a majority of currently used graphs represent individual morphemes. The second view maintains that they are based primarily on the sound and only secondarily on the morpheme because all graphs represent sounds that may or may not correspond to individual morphemes. The present paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of both views and sketches out a new, unified model of how kanji graphs function as written signs. In this model, kanji graphs are seen as the formal building blocks of simplex or complex written signs representing the phonological exponents of individual morphemes.


Backhouse, A. E. (1984). “Aspects of the Graphological Structure of Japanese”. In: Visible Language 18, pp. 219–228.

Bloomfield, Leonard. (1933). Language. London: George Allen and Unwin.

Coulmas, Florian (1996). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems. Oxford, Malden: Blackwell Publishers.

_____________ (2003). Writing Systems: An Introduction to Their Linguistic Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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_____________ (1996). “The study of Writing Systems”. In: The World’s Writing Systems. Ed. by William Bright and Peter T. Daniels. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3–17.

_____________ (2018). An Exploration of Writing. Sheffield: Equinox.

Daniels, Peter T. and William Bright (1996). The World’s Writing Systems. New York: Oxford University Press.

DeFrancis, John (1989). Visible Speech: The Diverse Oneness of Writing Systems. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai‘i Press.

DeFrancis, John and J. Marshall Unger (1994). “Rejoinder to Geoffrey Sampson, “Chinese Script and the Diversity of Writing Systems””. In: Linguistics 32, pp. 549–554.

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Honda, Keisuke (2012). “The Relation of Orthographic Units to Linguistic Units in the Japanese Writing System: An Analysis of Kanji, Kana and Kanji-Okurigana Writing”. PhD thesis. University of Tsukuba.

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   AUTHOR = {Backhouse, A. E.},
   TITLE = {{Aspects of the Graphological Structure of Japanese}},
   JOURNAL = {Visible Language},
   YEAR = {1984},
   VOLUME = {18},
   PAGES = {219--228},

   AUTHOR = {Frellesvig, Bjarke},
   TITLE = {{A History of the Japanese Language}},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {2010},

   AUTHOR = {Coulmas, Florian},
   TITLE = {{Writing Systems: An Introduction to Their Linguistic Analysis}},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
   YEAR = {2003},

   AUTHOR = {DeFrancis, John},
   TITLE = {{Visible Speech: The Diverse Oneness of Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Hawai`i Press},
   ADDRESS = {Honolulu, HI},
   YEAR = {1989},

   AUTHOR = {Hill, Archibald A.},
   EDITOR = {Austen, William M.},
   TITLE = {{The Typology of Writing Systems}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Papers in Linguistics in Honor of Leon Dostert}},
   PUBLISHER = {Mouton},
   ADDRESS = {The Hague, Paris},
   YEAR = {1967},
   PAGES = {92--99},

   AUTHOR = {Honda, Keisuke},
   TITLE = {{The Relation of Orthographic Units to Linguistic Units in the Japanese
   Writing System: An Analysis of Kanji, Kana and Kanji-Okurigana Writing}},
   SCHOOL = {University of Tsukuba},
   YEAR = {2012},

   AUTHOR = {Itō, Kikuko},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {伊藤菊子},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 形声文字と漢字指導} [SP Compounds and Kanji Education]}},
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 言語生活} [Language Life]},
   YEAR = {1979},
   VOLUME = {326},
   PAGES = {68--81},

   AUTHOR = {{Japanese Cabinet}},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 常用漢字表} [A List of Characters for General Use]}},
   YEAR = {2010},
   NOTE = {Japanese Cabinet Notification No. 2, issued on 30 November 2010},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry},
   TITLE = {{The Japanese Mental Lexicon: The Lexical Retrieval and Representation of
   Two-Kanji Compound Words from a Morphological Perspective}},
   SCHOOL = {University of Tsukuba},
   YEAR = {2001},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry},
   TITLE = {{The Significance of the Morphographic Principle for the Classification 
   of Writing Systems}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
   YEAR = {2011},
   VOLUME = {14},
   PAGES = {58--81},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Masuda, Hisashi and Ogawa, Taeko},
   TITLE = {{Jōyō Kanji as Core Building Blocks of the Japanese Writing System: Some
   Observations from Database Construction}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {17},
   PAGES = {173--194},

   AUTHOR = {Kaiser, Stefan},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {シュテファン・カイザー},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Kana},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 世界の文字・中国の文字・日本の文字}: {\japanese
   漢字の位置付け再考} [Scripts of the World, China and Japan: Rethinking the Place
   of Kanji]}},
   JOURNAL = {{{\japanese 世界の日本語教育} [Japanese Language Education in the World]}},
   YEAR = {1995},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PAGES = {155--167},

   AUTHOR = {Gelb, Ignace J.},
   TITLE = {{A Study of Writing}},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Chicago Press},
   ADDRESS = {Chicago},
   YEAR = {1963},

   AUTHOR = {Bloomfield, Leonard.},
   TITLE = {{Language}},
   PUBLISHER = {George Allen and Unwin},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {1933},

   AUTHOR = {Kōno, Rokurō},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {河野六郎},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   EDITOR = {Kōno, Rokurō},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {河野六郎},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 文字の本質} [The Essence of Writing]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{{\japanese 文字論} [Theory of Writing]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 三省堂} [Sanseidō]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1994},
   PAGES = {1--24},

   AUTHOR = {Kōno, Rokurō and Nagata, Hidemasa and Sasahara, Hiroyuki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {河野六郎 and 永田英正 and 笹原宏之},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn;3=ja-Japn},
   EDITOR = {Kōno, Rokurō and Chino, Eiichi and Nishida, Tatsuo},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {河野六郎 and 千野栄一 and 西田龍雄},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn;3=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字} [Kanji]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{{\japanese 世界文字辞典} [Encyclopedia of the World's Scripts]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 三省堂} [Sanseidō]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2001},
   PAGES = {256--281},

   EDITOR = {Satō, Kiyoji and Yoshihide Endō and Masanobu Katō and Takeyoshi Satō and
   Yoshifumi Hida and Tomiyoshi Maeda and Masataka Murakami},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {佐藤喜代治 and 遠藤好英 and 加藤正信 and 佐藤武義 and 飛田良文 and
   前田富祺 and 村上雅孝},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn;3=ja-Japn;4=ja-Japn;5=ja-Japn;6=ja-Japn;7=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字百科 大事典} [Encyclopedia of Kanji]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 明治書院} [Meiji Shoin]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1996},

   EDITOR = {Kōno, Rokurō and Chino, Eiichi and Nishida, Tatsuo},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {河野六郎 and 千野栄一 and 西田龍雄},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn;3=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 世界文字辞典} [Encyclopedia of the World's Scripts]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 三省堂} [Sanseidō]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2001},

   AUTHOR = {Körtvélyessy, Lívia and Štekauer, Pavol and Zimmermann, Július},
   EDITOR = {Bauer, Laurie and Körtvélyessy, Lívia and Štekauer, Pavol},
   TITLE = {{Word-Formation Strategies: Semantic Transparency vs. Formal Economy}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Semantics of Complex Words}},
   PUBLISHER = {Springer International Publishing},
   ADDRESS = {Cham},
   YEAR = {2015},
   PAGES = {85--114},

   AUTHOR = {Lamb, Sydney M.},
   TITLE = {{Outline of Stratificational Grammar}},
   PUBLISHER = {Georgetown University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Georgetown},
   YEAR = {1966},

   AUTHOR = {Ma\-tsu\-naga, Sachiko},
   TITLE = {{The Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Nature of Kanji: Do Kanji Represent and
   Trigger Only Meanings?}},
   SCHOOL = {University of Hawai`i},
   YEAR = {1994},

   AUTHOR = {Ma\-tsu\-naga, Sachiko},
   TITLE = {{The Linguistic Nature of Kanji Reexamined: Do Kanji Represent Only Meanings?}},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese},
   YEAR = {1996},
   VOLUME = {30},
   PAGES = {1--22},

   AUTHOR = {Daniels, Peter T.},
   TITLE = {{An Exploration of Writing}},
   PUBLISHER = {Equinox},
   ADDRESS = {Sheffield},
   YEAR = {2018},

   AUTHOR = {Miller, Roy Andrew},
   TITLE = {{The Japanese Language}},
   PUBLISHER = {The University of Chicago Press},
   ADDRESS = {Chicago, London},
   YEAR = {1967},

   AUTHOR = {Miller, Roy Andrew},
   TITLE = {{Nihongo: In Defense of Japanese}},
   PUBLISHER = {The Athlone Press},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {1986},

   AUTHOR = {Miyajima, Tatsuo},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {宮島達夫},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   EDITOR = {{Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyūjo}},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {国立国語研究所},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 無意味形態素} [Meaningless Morphemes]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{{\japanese ことばの研究} [Study of Language]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 国立国語研究所} [Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyūjo]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1973},
   PAGES = {15--30},

   AUTHOR = {Morioka, Kenji},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {森岡健二},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 日本語と漢字} [Japanese Language and Kanji]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 明治書院} [Meiji Shoin]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2004},

   AUTHOR = {Coulmas, Florian},
   TITLE = {{The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Blackwell Publishers},
   ADDRESS = {Oxford, Malden},
   YEAR = {1996},

   AUTHOR = {Nelson, Andrew N.},
   TITLE = {{The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary}},
   PUBLISHER = {Tuttle Publishing},
   ADDRESS = {Singapore},
   YEAR = {1997},

   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {日本国語大辞典第二版編集委員会},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 日本国語大辞典} [Great Dictionary of the Japanese language]}},
   EDITION = {2},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 小学館} [Shōgakukan]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2000--2002},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 二字漢語の構造} [The Structure of Two-Kanji Sino-Japanese
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 日本語学} [Japanese Linguistics]},
   YEAR = {1988},
   VOLUME = {7},
   PAGES = {44--55},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   EDITOR = {Satō, Kiyoji},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {佐藤喜代治},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字の造語力} [Word Formation Productivity of Kanji]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字講座1ー漢字とはー}}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 明治書院} [Meiji Shoin]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1988},
   PAGES = {193--217},

   EDITOR = {Satō, Kiyoji},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {佐藤喜代治},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字講座} [Lectures in Kanji]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 明治書院} [Meiji Shoin]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1987--1989},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 字音形態素考} [Considerations on Sino-Japanese Morphemes]}},
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 国語と国文學} [Japanese Language and Literature]},
   YEAR = {1999},
   VOLUME = {76},
   PAGES = {1--10},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki and Itō, Kikuko},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭 and 伊藤菊子},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 漢字の表音度} [Phoneticity in Kanji]}},
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 計量国語学} [Mathematical Linguistics]},
   YEAR = {1978},
   VOLUME = {11},
   PAGES = {306--311},

   AUTHOR = {O'Grady, William and de~Guzman, Videa P.},
   EDITOR = {O'Grady, William and Dobrovolsky, Michael and Katamba, Francis},
   TITLE = {{Morphology: The Analysis of Word Structure}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction}},
   PUBLISHER = {Longman},
   ADDRESS = {London, New York},
   YEAR = {1997},
   PAGES = {132--180},

   AUTHOR = {Okimori, Takuya},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {沖森卓也},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 日本の漢字1600年の歴史} [The 1600-Year History of Kanji in
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese ベレ出版} [Beret Shuppan]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2011},

   AUTHOR = {Osterkamp, Sven and Schreiber, Gordian},
   TITLE = {{<Th>e Ubi<qu>ity of Polygra<ph>y and Its Significance for
   <th>e Typology of <Wr>it\-i<ng> Systems}},
   YEAR = {2019},
   ADDENDUM = {Paper presented at mph{The Association for Written Language and
   Literacy’s 12th International Workshop}, mph{Diversity of Writing Systems: Embracing
   Multiple Perspectives}, 26th March 2019, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United

   AUTHOR = {Peirce, Charles Sanders},
   EDITOR = {Hartshorne, Charles and Paul Weiss and Arthur W. Burks},
   TITLE = {{Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce}},
   PUBLISHER = {Harvard University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {1931--1958},

   AUTHOR = {Sampson, Geoffrey},
   TITLE = {{Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Equinox Publishing},
   ADDRESS = {Sheffield, Bristol},
   YEAR = {2015},

   AUTHOR = {Saussure, Ferdinand de},
   EDITOR = {Bally, Charles and Sechehaye, Albert},
   TITLE = {{Cours de linguistique générale}},
   PUBLISHER = {Libraire Payot and C\up{ie}},
   ADDRESS = {Lausanne, Paris},
   YEAR = {1916},

   AUTHOR = {Seeley, Christopher},
   TITLE = {{A History of Writing in Japan}},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Hawai`i Press},
   ADDRESS = {Honolulu},
   YEAR = {2000},

   AUTHOR = {Smith, {Janet S. (Shibamoto)}},
   EDITOR = {Daniels, Peter T. and Bright, Willliam},
   TITLE = {{Japanese Writing}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{The World's Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
   YEAR = {1996},
   PAGES = {209--217},

   AUTHOR = {Sproat, Richard},
   TITLE = {{A Computational Theory of Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {2000},

   AUTHOR = {Stalph, Jürgen},
   TITLE = {{Grundlagen einer Grammatik der Sinojapanischen Schrift}},
   PUBLISHER = {Harrasowitz},
   ADDRESS = {Wiesbaden},
   YEAR = {1989},

   AUTHOR = {Suzuki, T.},
   EDITOR = {Peng, F. C. C.},
   TITLE = {{On the Twofold Phonetic Realization of Basic Concepts: In Defense of Chinese
   Characters in Japanese}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Language in Japanese society}},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Tokyo},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {1975},
   PAGES = {175--192},

   AUTHOR = {Tajima, Masaru},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn},
   EDITOR = {Maeda, Tomiyoshi and Nomura, Masaaki},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {前田富祺 and 野村雅昭},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ja-Japn;2=ja-Japn},
   TITLE = {{{\japanese 表語文字としての漢字} [Kanji as Logographs]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{{\japanese 朝倉漢字講座2ー漢字のはたらきー} [Asakura Lectures on
   Kanji~2: The Workings of Kanji]}},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 朝倉書店} [Asakura Shoten]},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
   YEAR = {2006},
   PAGES = {1--16},

   AUTHOR = {Taylor, Insup and Taylor, M. Martin},
   TITLE = {{Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese}},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, Philadelphia},
   YEAR = {2014},

   AUTHOR = {Unger, J. Marshall},
   TITLE = {{The Fifth Generation Fallacy: Why Japan Is Betting Its Future on Artificial
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York, Oxford},
   YEAR = {1987},

   AUTHOR = {Daniels, Peter T.},
   EDITOR = {Downing, Pamela and Lima, Susan D. and Noonan, Michael},
   TITLE = {{The Syllabic Origin of Writing and the Segmental Origin of the Alphabet}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{The Linguistics of Literacy}},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, Philadelphia},
   YEAR = {1992},
   PAGES = {83--110},

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   TITLE = {{The Very Idea: The Notion of Ideogram in China and Japan}},
   JOURNAL = {Monumenta Nipponica},
   YEAR = {1990},
   VOLUME = {45},
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   EDITOR = {Taylor, Insup and Olson, David R.},
   TITLE = {{Logographic and Semasiographic Writing Systems: A Critique of Sampson's
   BOOKTITLE = {{Script and Literacy: Reading and Learning to Read Alphabets, Syllabaries
   and Characters}},
   PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
   ADDRESS = {Dordrecht},
   YEAR = {1995},
   PAGES = {45--58},

   AUTHOR = {Vance, Timothy J.},
   EDITOR = {Erbaugh, Mary S.},
   TITLE = {{The Exception That Proves the Rule: Ideography and Japanese Kun'yomi}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Difficult Characters: Interdisciplinary Studies of Chinese and Japanese
   PUBLISHER = {National East Asian Language Resource Center, Ohio State University},
   ADDRESS = {Columbus},
   YEAR = {2002},
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   AUTHOR = {Yokosawa, Kazuhiko and Umeda, Michio},
   TITLE = {{Processes in Human Kanji-Word Recognition}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
   and Cybernetics, August 8--12, 1988, Beijing \& Shenyang, China}},
   YEAR = {1988},
   PAGES = {377--380},

   AUTHOR = {Daniels, Peter T.},
   EDITOR = {Bright, William and Daniels, Peter T.},
   TITLE = {{The study of Writing Systems}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{The World's Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Oxford},
   YEAR = {1996},
   PAGES = {3--17},

   AUTHOR = {Daniels, Peter T. and Bright, William},
   TITLE = {{The World's Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
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   AUTHOR = {DeFrancis, John and Unger, J. Marshall},
   TITLE = {{Rejoinder to Geoffrey Sampson, ``Chinese Script and the Diversity of Writing
   JOURNAL = {Linguistics},
   YEAR = {1994},
   VOLUME = {32},
   PAGES = {549--554},

Keisuke Honda ORCID iD icon (2019), What Do Kanji Graphs Represent in the Current Japanese Writing system? Towards a Unified Model of Kanji as Written Signs, in Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Brest: Fluxus Editions, 185–208

   AUTHOR = {Keisuke Honda ORCID iD icon},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{What Do Kanji Graphs Represent in the Current Japanese Writing system? Towards a Unified Model of Kanji as Written Signs}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018}},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2019},
   PAGES = {185--208},
   DOI = {}