ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

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ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2

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A New Approach to the Decipherment of Linear A, Stage 2. Cryptanalysis and Language Deciphering: A “Brute Force Attack” on an Undeciphered Writing System
Loh Jia Sheng Colin ORCID iD icon & Francesco Perono Cacciafoco ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. This paper discusses the attempt of an algorithmic approach to contribute to the decipherment of Linear A. With the assistance of software developed in Python, Linear A clusters can be compared to various dictionaries of languages respecting a certain degree of chronological and geographical compatibility, as a “brute-force attack” for the reconstruction of new clusters of Linear A symbols.


Bradley, P. (2014). The Ancient World Transformed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chadwick, J. (1967). The decipherment of linear B. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Eu, N., F. Perono Cacciafoco, and F. Cavallaro (2019). “Linear A Libation Tables: A Semitic Connection Explored.” In: Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Științe Filologice, Linguistică. Vol. 41. 1/2, pp. 51–63.

Eu, N., D. Xu, and F. Perono Cacciafoco (2019). “Coding to Decipher Linear A.” In: Proceedings of the 2019 Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (PNC). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, pp. 44–48.

Finkelberg, M. (2001). “The Language of Linear A: Greek, Semitic, or Anatolian?” In: Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family. Ed. by R. Drews. Vol. 38. Journal of Indo-European Monograph: Series, pp. 81–105.

Godart, L. (1984). “Du linéaire A au linéaire B.” In: Aux origines de l’hellénisme: La Crète et la Grèce. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, pp. 121–128.

Godart, L. and J.-P. Olivier (1976a). Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 1. Tablettes éditées avant 1970. Vol. 21. Études crétoises. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

_____________ (1976b). Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 3. Tablettes, nodules et rondelles édités en 1975 et 1976. Vol. 21.3. Études crétoises. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

_____________ (1979). Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 2. Nodules, scellés et rondelles édités avant 1970. Vol. 21.2. Études crétoises. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

_____________ (1982). Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 4. Autres documents. Vol. 21.4. Études crétoises. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

_____________ (1985). Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 5. Addenda, corrigenda, concordances, index et planches des signes. Vol. 21.5. Études crétoises. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

Gordon, C. H. (1982). Forgotten scripts: Their ongoing discovery and decipherment. New York: Basic Books.

Melchert, Craig H. (1993). “Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon.” In: vol. 2. Lexica Anatolica. Chapell Hill, NC: self-published.

Nagy, G. (1963). Greek-like Elements in Linear A. Durham: William H. Willis.

Olivier, J.-P. (1986). “Cretan writing in the second millennium BC.” In: World Archaeology 17.3, pp. 377–389.

Orel, V. (1994). “On the ancient contacts between Hamito-Semitic and north Caucasian.” In: Folia Linguistica Historica 15.1–2.

Owens, G. A. (1999). “The Structure of the Minoan Language.” In: J. Indo-Eur. Stud. 27.1/2, pp. 15–56.

Paliga, Sorin (2006). Etymological Lexicon of the Indigenous (Thracian) Elements in Romanian. București: Editura Evenimentul.

Palmer, L. R. (1961). Myceneans and Minoans: Aegean pre-history in the Light of the Linear B tablets. Faber & Faber.

Perono Cacciafoco, F. (2017). “Linear A and Minoan: Some New Old Questions.” In: Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Științe Filologice, Linguistică. Vol. 39. 1–2, pp. 154–170.

Perono Cacciafoco, F. and F. Cavallaro (2020). “Linear A Corpus.”

Petrolito, T. et al. (2015). “Minoan linguistic resources: The Linear A Digital Corpus.” In: Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences and Humanities (LaTeCH), Beijing, China, pp. 95–104.

Revesez, P. (2017). “Establishing the West-Ugric Language Family with Minoan, Hattic and Hungarian by a Decipherment of Linear A.” In: WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sci. Appl. 14, pp. 306–355.

Schoep, I. (2002). “Social and Political Organisation on Crete in the Proto-palatial Period: The case of Middle Minoan II Malia.” In: J. Mediterr. Archaeol. 15.1, pp. 101–132.

Tan, K. M. W. Y. (2018). The Minoan Engima: Deciphering Linear A. Tech. rep. Singapore.

Trask, R.L. (2008). Etymological Dictionary of Basque. Sussex: University of Sussex.

Verdult, R. (2015). “The (in)security of proprietary cryptography.” PhD thesis. Radboud University, The Netherlands and KU Leuven, Belgium.

   AUTHOR = {Bradley, P.},
   TITLE = {The Ancient World Transformed},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {2014},

   AUTHOR = {Chadwick, J.},
   TITLE = {The decipherment of linear B},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {1967},

   AUTHOR = {Eu, N. and Perono Cacciafoco, F. and Cavallaro, F.},
   TITLE = {Linear~A Libation Tables: A Semitic Connection Explored},
   BOOKTITLE = {Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Științe Filologice, Linguistică},
   YEAR = {2019},
   VOLUME = {41},
   NUMBER = {1/2},
   PAGES = {51--63},

   AUTHOR = {Eu, N. and Xu, D. and Perono Cacciafoco, F.},
   TITLE = {Coding to Decipher Linear~A},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (PNC)},
   PUBLISHER = {Nanyang Technological University},
   ADDRESS = {Singapore},
   YEAR = {2019},
   PAGES = {44--48},

   AUTHOR = {Finkelberg, M.},
   EDITOR = {Drews, R.},
   TITLE = {The Language of Linear~A: Greek, Semitic, or Anatolian?},
   BOOKTITLE = {Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family},
   SERIES = {Journal of Indo-European Monograph: Series},
   YEAR = {2001},
   VOLUME = {38},
   PAGES = {81--105},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L.},
   TITLE = {Du linéaire A au linéaire B},
   BOOKTITLE = {Aux origines de l'hellénisme: La Crète et la Grèce},
   PUBLISHER = {Publications de la Sorbonne},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1984},
   PAGES = {121--128},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L. and Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 1. Tablettes éditées avant 1970},
   SERIES = {Études crétoises},
   PUBLISHER = {Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1976},
   VOLUME = {21},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L. and Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 3. Tablettes, nodules et rondelles édités en 1975 et 1976},
   SERIES = {Études crétoises},
   PUBLISHER = {Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1976},
   VOLUME = {21.3},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L. and Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 2. Nodules, scellés et rondelles édités avant 1970},
   SERIES = {Études crétoises},
   PUBLISHER = {Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1979},
   VOLUME = {21.2},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L. and Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 4. Autres documents},
   SERIES = {Études crétoises},
   PUBLISHER = {Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1982},
   VOLUME = {21.4},

   AUTHOR = {Godart, L. and Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. 5. Addenda, corrigenda, concordances, index et planches des signes},
   SERIES = {Études crétoises},
   PUBLISHER = {Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1985},
   VOLUME = {21.5},

   AUTHOR = {Gordon, C.~H.},
   TITLE = {Forgotten scripts: Their ongoing discovery and decipherment},
   PUBLISHER = {Basic Books},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
   YEAR = {1982},

   AUTHOR = {Melchert, Craig H.},
   TITLE = {Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon},
   SERIES = {Lexica Anatolica},
   PUBLISHER = {self-published},
   ADDRESS = {Chapell Hill, NC},
   YEAR = {1993},
   VOLUME = {2},

   AUTHOR = {Nagy, G.},
   TITLE = {Greek-like Elements in Linear~A},
   PUBLISHER = {William H.~Willis},
   ADDRESS = {Durham},
   YEAR = {1963},

   AUTHOR = {Olivier, J.-P.},
   TITLE = {Cretan writing in the second millennium BC},
   JOURNAL = {World Archaeology},
   YEAR = {1986},
   VOLUME = {17},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {377--389},

   AUTHOR = {Orel, V.},
   TITLE = {On the ancient contacts between Hamito-Semitic and north Caucasian},
   JOURNAL = {Folia Linguistica Historica},
   YEAR = {1994},
   VOLUME = {15},
   NUMBER = {1--2},

   AUTHOR = {Owens, G.~A.},
   TITLE = {The Structure of the Minoan Language},
   JOURNAL = {J.~Indo-Eur. Stud.},
   YEAR = {1999},
   VOLUME = {27},
   NUMBER = {1/2},
   PAGES = {15--56},

   AUTHOR = {Paliga, Sorin},
   TITLE = {Etymological Lexicon of the Indigenous (Thracian) Elements in Romanian},
   PUBLISHER = {Editura Evenimentul},
   ADDRESS = {București},
   YEAR = {2006},

   AUTHOR = {Palmer, L.~R.},
   TITLE = {Myceneans and Minoans: Aegean pre-history in the Light of the Linear~B tablets},
   PUBLISHER = {Faber \& Faber},
   YEAR = {1961},

   AUTHOR = {Perono Cacciafoco, F.},
   TITLE = {Linear~A and Minoan: Some New Old Questions},
   BOOKTITLE = {Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics~/ Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Științe Filologice, Linguistică},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {39},
   NUMBER = {1--2},
   PAGES = {154--170},

   AUTHOR = {Perono Cacciafoco, F. and Cavallaro, F.},
   TITLE = {Linear~A Corpus},
   YEAR = {2020},
   NOTE = {\url{}},

   AUTHOR = {Petrolito, T. and Petrolito, R. and Perono Cacciafoco, F. and Winterstein, G.},
   TITLE = {Minoan linguistic resources: The Linear~A Digital Corpus},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences and Humanities (LaTeCH), Beijing, China},
   YEAR = {2015},
   PAGES = {95--104},

   AUTHOR = {Revesez, P.},
   TITLE = {Establishing the West-Ugric Language Family with Minoan, Hattic and Hungarian by a Decipherment of Linear~A},
   JOURNAL = {WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sci. Appl.},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {14},
   PAGES = {306--355},

   AUTHOR = {Schoep, I.},
   TITLE = {Social and Political Organisation on Crete in the Proto-palatial Period: The case of Middle Minoan II Malia},
   JOURNAL = {J.~Mediterr. Archaeol.},
   YEAR = {2002},
   VOLUME = {15},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {101--132},

   AUTHOR = {Tan, K. M. W. Y.},
   TITLE = {The Minoan Engima: Deciphering Linear~A},
   ADDRESS = {Singapore},
   YEAR = {2018},
   NOTE = {\url{}},

   AUTHOR = {Trask, R.L.},
   TITLE = {Etymological Dictionary of Basque},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Sussex},
   ADDRESS = {Sussex},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Verdult, R.},
   TITLE = {The (in)security of proprietary cryptography},
   SCHOOL = {Radboud University, The Netherlands and KU Leuven, Belgium},
   YEAR = {2015},

Loh Jia Sheng Colin & Francesco Perono Cacciafoco (2020), “A New Approach to the Decipherment of Linear A, Stage 2. Cryptanalysis and Language Deciphering: A “Brute Force Attack” on an Undeciphered Writing System,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 927–943.

   AUTHOR = {Loh Jia Sheng Colin and Francesco Perono Cacciafoco},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{A~New Approach to the Decipherment of Linear~A, Stage 2. Cryptanalysis and Language Deciphering: A~“Brute Force Attack” on an Undeciphered Writing System}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {927--943},
   DOI = {},