ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ Y. Haralambous, F. Landragin & K. HandaProceedingsO. Kulish ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-6-1
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-8-5

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Typographetics of Urban Spaces. The Indication of Discourse Types and Genres Through Letterforms and Their Materiality in Multilingual Urban Spaces
Irmi Wachendorff ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. The present study is a contribution to research on typographetic meaning-making and the social dimensions of \index{typography}typographic acts in multilingual and multiscriptural urban spaces. Writing in cityscapes materialises various types of texts and forms of discourse. The central assumption is that the form and materiality of these written texts contribute to their communicative significance.
This paper is concerned with the way in which typographic resources are used to indicate discourses, index genres and become socially relevant. The research is linked to the joint project Signs of the Metropolis at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany and is based on a database of 25,523 tagged and geo-referenced images.
A multi-method approach has been applied between typography and sociolinguistics that introduces an analytical framework of parameters for studying the graphetics of lettering in urban space. The results from the application of the framework are presented in a foundational analysis of different discourse types (regulatory, infrastructural, commercial, transgressive, and commemorative), including a comparison of different city districts in the Ruhr Metropolis. Furthermore, it provides an analysis on decorative typefaces in Turkish language texts in shop signs in Duisburg-Marxloh; and presents results from a case study on genres, analysing the (typo)graphetic characteristics of signs in different shop types.


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_____________ (2015). “Graphic Variation and Graphic Ideologies: A Metapragmatic Approach.” In: Social Semiotics 25.2, pp. 126–141.

Stöckl, Hartmut (2004). “Typografie: Gewand und Körper des Textes—Linguistische Überlegungen zu typographischer Gestalt.” In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Linguistik 41, pp. 5–48.

Stötzner, Andreas (2000). “Signographie als eigenständiges Fach.” In: Signa. Beiträge zur Signographie 1, pp. 23–36.

Sutton, James and Alan Bartram (1988). An Atlas of Typeforms. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions.

Wachendorff, Irmi (2016). “Social Recognition through Multilingual Typography in Public Space—Global, Local and Glocal Texts in Dortmund Nordstadt.” In: 6.ž Encontro de Tipografia: Livro de Atas. Ed. by Pedro Amado et al. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, pp. 53–82.

_____________ (2018). “Cultural Stereotypes in Letter Forms in Public Space.” In: NERD—New Experimental Research in Design. Ed. by Michael Erlhoff and Wolfgang Jonas. Basel: Birkhäuser, pp. 206–233.

_____________ (2019). Identitätskonstruktionen durch skripturale Variation mehrsprachiger Typografie im urbanen Raum. Duisburg: Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr.

Walker, Sue (2014). Typography and Language in Everyday Life—Prescriptions and Practices. London: Routledge.

Wehde, Susanne (2000). Typografische Kultur. Eine zeichentheoretische und kulturgeschichtliche Studie zur Typographie und ihrer Entwicklung. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Willberg, Hans Peter (2001). Wegweiser Schrift. Mainz: Verlag Hermann Schmidt.

Ziegler, Evelyn et al. (2018). Metropolenzeichen—Atlas zur visuellen Mehrsprachigkeit in der Metropole Ruhr. Duisburg: Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr.

   AUTHOR = {Backhaus, Peter},
   TITLE = {Linguistic Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Urban Multilingualism in Tokyo},
   PUBLISHER = {Multilingual Matters},
   ADDRESS = {Bristol},
   YEAR = {2007},

   AUTHOR = {Bauman, Richard},
   EDITOR = {Penelope Eckert and John R. Rickford},
   TITLE = {The Ethnography of Genre in a Mexican Market: Form, Function, Variation},
   BOOKTITLE = {Style and Sociolinguistic Variation},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {2001},
   PAGES = {57-–77},

   AUTHOR = {Baur, Rupprecht S. and Chlosta, Christoph and Ostermann, Torsten and Schroeder, Christoph},
   TITLE = {‘Was sprecht Ihr vornehmlich zu Hause?' Zur Erhebung sprachbezogener Daten},
   JOURNAL = {Essener Unikate},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {24},

   AUTHOR = {Blommaert, Jan},
   TITLE = {Ethnography, Superdiversity and Linguistic Landscapes: Chronicles of Complexity},
   PUBLISHER = {Multilingual Matters},
   ADDRESS = {Bristol},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Briggs, Charles L. and Bauman, Richard},
   TITLE = {Genre, Intertextuality, and Social Power},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Linguistic Anthropology},
   YEAR = {1992},
   VOLUME = {2},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {131--172},

   AUTHOR = {Brumberger, Eva R.},
   TITLE = {The Rhetoric of Typography: The Awareness and Impact of Typeface Appropriateness},
   JOURNAL = {Technical Communication},
   YEAR = {2003},
   VOLUME = {50},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {224--231},

   AUTHOR = {Cindark, Ibrahim and Ziegler, Evelyn},
   EDITOR = {Ptashnyk, Stefaniya and others},
   TITLE = {Mehrsprachigkeit im Ruhrgebiet. Zur Sichtbarkeit sprachlicher Diversität in Dortmund},
   BOOKTITLE = {Gegenwärtige Sprachkontakte im Kontext der Migration},
   PUBLISHER = {Winter},
   ADDRESS = {Heidelberg},
   YEAR = {2014},
   PAGES = {133--156},

   AUTHOR = {Coulmas, Florian},
   EDITOR = {Shohamy, Elana and Gorter, Durk},
   TITLE = {Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenery},
   PUBLISHER = {Routledge},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2009},
   PAGES = {13--24},

   AUTHOR = {Cowan, Nelson},
   TITLE = {The Magical Number 4 in Short-Term Memory: A Reconsideration of Mental Storage Capacity},
   JOURNAL = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {24},
   PAGES = {87--185},

   AUTHOR = {Delin, Judy and Bateman, John A. and Allen, Patrick},
   TITLE = {A Model of Genre in Document Layout},
   JOURNAL = {Information Design Journal},
   YEAR = {2003},
   VOLUME = {11},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {54--66},

   AUTHOR = {Dondis, Donis A.},
   TITLE = {A Primer of Visual Literacy},
   PUBLISHER = {MIT Press},
   ADDRESS = {Boston, MA},
   YEAR = {1973},

   AUTHOR = {Elam, Kimberly},
   TITLE = {Grid Systems. Principles of Organizing Type},
   PUBLISHER = {Princeton Architectural Press},
   ADDRESS = {Princeton, NJ},
   YEAR = {2004},

   AUTHOR = {Fischer, Udo and Franke, Veit and Hansen, Hans-Thomas and Keppler, Viktor and Kurz, Karl},
   TITLE = {Handbuch Lichtwerbung Teil 1: Hinweise zur Gestaltung von Lichtwerbeanlagen},
   PUBLISHER = {Hansen Neon GmbH},
   ADDRESS = {Haselund},
   YEAR = {2007},

   AUTHOR = {Frow, John},
   TITLE = {Genre},
   PUBLISHER = {Routledge},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2015},

   AUTHOR = {Gombrich, Ernst H.},
   TITLE = {The Sense of Order. A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art},
   PUBLISHER = {Phaidon},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {1984},

   AUTHOR = {Gorres, Anke and Sucato, Evelyn and Yıldırım, Akut},
   TITLE = {Hochzeitskultur als Motor der Stadtteilökonomie in Duisburg-Marxloh},
   BOOKTITLE = {Informationen zur Raumentwicklung},
   PUBLISHER = {Franz Steiner Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {Stuttgart},
   YEAR = {2010},
   VOLUME = {2},
   NUMBER = {3},

   AUTHOR = {Gorter, Durk},
   TITLE = {Introduction: The Study of Linguistic Landscape as a New Approach to Multilingualism},
   JOURNAL = {International Journal of Multilingualism},
   YEAR = {2006},
   VOLUME = {3},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {1--6},

   AUTHOR = {Hanks, William F.},
   TITLE = {Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice},
   JOURNAL = {American Ethnologist},
   YEAR = {1987},
   VOLUME = {14},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {668--692},

   AUTHOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {Grapholinguistics, \TeX, and a June 2020 Conference},
   JOURNAL = {TUGboat},
   YEAR = {2020},
   VOLUME = {41},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {12--19},

   AUTHOR = {Haslam, Andrew},
   TITLE = {Die Kunst der Beschriftung},
   PUBLISHER = {Niggli},
   ADDRESS = {Teufen},
   YEAR = {2011},

   AUTHOR = {Järlehed, Johan},
   TITLE = {Ideological Framing of Vernacular Type Choices in the Galician and Basque Semiotic Landscape},
   JOURNAL = {Social Semiotics},
   YEAR = {2015},
   VOLUME = {25},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {165--199},

   AUTHOR = {Järlehed, Johan and Jaworski, Adam},
   TITLE = {Typographic Landscaping: Creativity, Ideology, Movement},
   JOURNAL = {Social Semiotics},
   YEAR = {2015},
   VOLUME = {25},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {117--125},

   AUTHOR = {Kelly, Rob Roy},
   TITLE = {American Wood Type 1828--1900. Notes on the Evolution of Decorated and Large Types},
   PUBLISHER = {Liber Apertus Press},
   ADDRESS = {Saratoga, CA},
   YEAR = {2010},

   AUTHOR = {Kersting, Volker and Meyer, Christian and Strohmeier, Peter and Terpoorten, Tobias},
   EDITOR = {Prossek, Achim and others},
   TITLE = {Die A 40---Der Sozialäquator des Ruhrgebietes},
   BOOKTITLE = {Atlas der Metropole Ruhr. Vielfalt und Wandel des Ruhgebiets im Kartenbild},
   PUBLISHER = {Emons Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {Köln},
   YEAR = {2009},
   PAGES = {142--145},

   AUTHOR = {Landry, Rodrique and Bourhis, Richard Y.},
   TITLE = {Linguistic Landscape and Ethnolinguistic Vitality: An Empirical Study},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Language and Social Psychology},
   YEAR = {1997},
   VOLUME = {16},
   PAGES = {23--49},

   TITLE = {Letraset Katalog},
   PUBLISHER = {Letraset Deutschland GmbH},
   ADDRESS = {Frankfurt a.M.},
   YEAR = {1978},

   AUTHOR = {Lidwell, William and Holden, Kritina and Butler, Jill},
   TITLE = {Universal Principles of Design},
   PUBLISHER = {Rockport Publishers},
   ADDRESS = {Beverly, MA},
   YEAR = {2003},

   AUTHOR = {Meggs, Philip B. and Purvis, Alston W.},
   TITLE = {Meggs' History of Graphic Design},
   PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons},
   ADDRESS = {Hoboken, NJ},
   YEAR = {2006},

   AUTHOR = {Meletis, Dimitrios},
   TITLE = {Graphetik. Form und Materialität von Schrift},
   PUBLISHER = {Verlag Werner Hülsbusch},
   ADDRESS = {Glückstadt},
   YEAR = {2015},

   AUTHOR = {Mortelmans, Dimitri},
   TITLE = {Visualizing Emptiness},
   JOURNAL = {Visual Anthropology},
   YEAR = {2005},
   VOLUME = {18},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {19--45},

   AUTHOR = {Pescatore Frisk, Ryan and Pauwels, Luc},
   TITLE = {The Shared Stories that Written Words Tell when No One is Reading: Exploring Modality in Typographic Landscapes as an Ecosocial Semiotic System},
   JOURNAL = {Visual Communication},
   YEAR = {2019},
   PAGES = {1--34},

   AUTHOR = {Pool, Albert-Jan},
   TITLE = {Type SketchKit 4, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, Dutch Design. [personal teaching material]},
   YEAR = {2017},

   AUTHOR = {Pool, Albert-Jan},
   EDITOR = {Sommer, Patrick Marc and Gaspar, Natalie},
   TITLE = {Schriftklassifikation nach Formprinzip},
   BOOKTITLE = {Das ABC der Typografie},
   PUBLISHER = {Rheinwerk Design},
   ADDRESS = {Bonn},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {60--73},

   AUTHOR = {Schauer, Georg K.},
   TITLE = {Die Einteilung der Druckschriften},
   PUBLISHER = {Heinz Moos},
   ADDRESS = {München},
   YEAR = {1975},

   AUTHOR = {Schmitz, Ulrich},
   EDITOR = {Michel, Sascha and Pappert, Steffen},
   TITLE = {Im Raume lesen wir die Macht. Zur semiotischen Architektur von Text-Bild-Diskursen im Öffentlichen Raum des Ruhrgebiets},
   BOOKTITLE = {Kommunikationsformen und Textsorten im Öffentlichen Raum zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Perspektiven Germanistischer Linguistik},
   PUBLISHER = {ibidem},
   ADDRESS = {Stuttgart},
   YEAR = {2018},
   VOLUME = {13},
   PAGES = {133--158},

   AUTHOR = {Scollon, Ron and Scollon, Suzie Wong},
   TITLE = {Discourses in place. Language in the Material World},
   PUBLISHER = {Routledge},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2003},

   AUTHOR = {Shohamy, Elana and Gorter, Durk},
   TITLE = {Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenery},
   PUBLISHER = {Routledge},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2009},

   AUTHOR = {Simpson, Edward Hugh},
   TITLE = {Measurement of Diversity},
   JOURNAL = {Nature},
   YEAR = {1949},
   VOLUME = {163},
   PAGES = {688},

   AUTHOR = {Spiekermann, Erik},
   TITLE = {Wörterbuch Design. Board of International Research in Design},
   PUBLISHER = {Birkhäuser},
   ADDRESS = {Basel},
   YEAR = {2008},
   PAGES = {409–-416},

   AUTHOR = {Spitzmüller, Jürgen},
   TITLE = {Graphische Variation als soziale Praxis. Eine soziolinguistische Theorie skripturaler ‘Sichtbarkeit'},
   PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Spitzmüller, Jürgen},
   TITLE = {Graphic Variation and Graphic Ideologies: A Metapragmatic Approach},
   JOURNAL = {Social Semiotics},
   YEAR = {2015},
   VOLUME = {25},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {126--141},

   AUTHOR = {Stöckl, Hartmut},
   TITLE = {Typografie: Gewand und Körper des Textes---Linguistische Überlegungen zu typographischer Gestalt},
   JOURNAL = {Zeitschrift für angewandte Linguistik},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {41},
   PAGES = {5--48},

   AUTHOR = {Stötzner, Andreas},
   TITLE = {Signographie als eigenständiges Fach},
   JOURNAL = {Signa. Beiträge zur Signographie},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {23--36},

   AUTHOR = {Sutton, James and Bartram, Alan},
   TITLE = {An Atlas of Typeforms},
   PUBLISHER = {Wordsworth Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Ware, Hertfordshire},
   YEAR = {1988},

   AUTHOR = {Wachendorff, Irmi},
   EDITOR = {Amado, Pedro and others},
   TITLE = {Social Recognition through Multilingual Typography in Public Space---Global, Local and Glocal Texts in Dortmund Nordstadt},
   BOOKTITLE = {6.º Encontro de Tipografia: Livro de Atas},
   PUBLISHER = {Universidade de Aveiro},
   ADDRESS = {Aveiro},
   YEAR = {2016},
   PAGES = {53--82},

   AUTHOR = {Wachendorff, Irmi},
   EDITOR = {Erlhoff, Michael and Jonas, Wolfgang},
   TITLE = {Cultural Stereotypes in Letter Forms in Public Space},
   BOOKTITLE = {NERD---New Experimental Research in Design},
   PUBLISHER = {Birkhäuser},
   ADDRESS = {Basel},
   YEAR = {2018},
   PAGES = {206--233},

   AUTHOR = {Wachendorff, Irmi},
   TITLE = {Identitätskonstruktionen durch skripturale Variation mehrsprachiger Typografie im urbanen Raum},
   PUBLISHER = {Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr},
   ADDRESS = {Duisburg},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Walker, Sue},
   TITLE = {Typography and Language in Everyday Life---Prescriptions and Practices},
   PUBLISHER = {Routledge},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2014},

   AUTHOR = {Wehde, Susanne},
   TITLE = {Typografische Kultur. Eine zeichentheoretische und \mbox{kulturgeschichtliche} Studie zur Typographie und ihrer Entwicklung},
   PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin},
   YEAR = {2000},

   AUTHOR = {Willberg, Hans Peter},
   TITLE = {Wegweiser Schrift},
   PUBLISHER = {Verlag Hermann Schmidt},
   ADDRESS = {Mainz},
   YEAR = {2001},

   AUTHOR = {Ziegler, Evelyn and Eickmans, Heinz and Schmitz, Ulrich and Uslucan, Hacı-Halil and Gehne, David H. and Kurtenbach, Sebastian and Mühlan-Meyer, Tirza and Wachendorff, Irmi},
   TITLE = {Metropolenzeichen---Atlas zur visuellen Mehrsprachigkeit in der Metropole Ruhr},
   PUBLISHER = {Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr},
   ADDRESS = {Duisburg},
   YEAR = {2018},

Irmi Wachendorff (2020), “Typographetics of Urban Spaces. The Indication of Discourse Types and Genres Through Letterforms and Their Materiality in Multilingual Urban Spaces,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 4, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 361–415.

   AUTHOR = {Irmi Wachendorff},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{Typographetics of Urban Spaces. The Indication of Discourse Types and Genres Through Letterforms and Their Materiality in Multilingual Urban Spaces}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {4},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {361--415},
   DOI = {},