ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ C. Danet, D. Boutet†, P. Doan, C. S. Bianchini, A. Contesse, L. Chèvrefils, M. Rébulard, C. Thomas & J.-F. DauphinProceedingsC. Koch ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2

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How to Improve Metalinguistic Awareness by Writing a Language Without Writing: Sign Languages and Signwriting
Claudia S. Bianchini ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. Multilingualism permits to compare elements of each known language, favoring the development of metalinguistic awareness which helps to correlate the functioning of own reference languages (L1, L2, etc.). To all intents and purposes, signing deaf are bilingual people with sign language (SL) as L1 and an own vocal language (VL) as L2. Since deafness affects only the auditory canal, it should be reasonable to expect that deaf (signing or not) have the same competence in VL writing than hearing people; however, [gillot1998a] has demonstrated that 80% of French deaf adults have a scarce level of literacy. On the other hand, [garcia2007a] have proved that deaf signers have a better relationship with writing than deaf not knowing SL, while [perini-a] has evinced how SL knowledge helps the deaf to understand the functions of writing, a fundamental activity for writing proficiency. To improve the deaf’s writing it would therefore be even more useful to propose exercises comparing the written forms of SL and of VL. However, this is not simple, as SLs are historically pure “oral” languages, without an established writing system. That notwithstanding, experiments using Sutton’s \citeyearpar{sutton1995a} SignWriting, a graphic representation system of SL, have shown how the knowledge of a SL writing system allows, in very natural ways, the emergence of metalinguistic reflections which can then be reinvested to better understand the structure and functioning of the own reference VL.


Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena (2008). “Meccanismi di Coesione Testuale e Strutture di Grande Iconicità nella Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) e Altre Lingue dei Segni.” In: Atti Convegno Nazionale “La grammatica della Lingua Italiana dei Segni,” Venezia, 16 Maggio 2007. Venezia: Cafoscarina, pp. 16–17.

Assemblée Nationale and Sénat (2005). “Loi no 2005–102 du 11 Février 2005 pour l’Égalité des Droits et des Chances, la Participation et la Citoyenneté des Personnes Handicapées.” In: url:

Bébian, Roch-Ambroise Auguste (1825). Mimographie ou essai d’écriture mimique, propre à régulariser le langage des sourds muets. Paris: L. Colas.

Bergman, Brita and Thomas Björkstrand (2015). Teckentranskription: Report. Stockholm: Institutionen för Lingvistik of Stockholms Universitet.

Besse, Anne-Sophie, Nathalie Marec-Breton, and Elisabeth Demont (2010). “Développement métalinguistique et apprentissage de la lecture chez les enfants bilingues.” In: Enfance 10.2, pp. 167–199.

Bianchini, Claudia S. (2012). “Analyse métalinguistique de l’émergence d’un système d’écriture des langues des signes: SignWriting et son application à la langue des signes italienne (LIS).” PhD thesis. Université de Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis & Università degli Studi di Perugia.

Bianchini, Claudia S. and Fabrizio Borgia (2012). “Sign Languages: Analysis of the Evolution of the SignWriting System from 1995 to 2010 and Proposals for Future Developments.” In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Jubilee Congress of the Technical University of Varna. Vol. 6, pp. 118–123.

Bonnal-Vergès, Françoise (2008a). Sémiogenèse de la langue des signes française (LSF). Limoges: Éditions Lambert-Lucas.

_____________ (2008b). “Sémiogenèse de la langue des signes française: étude critique des signes de la langue des signes française attestés sur support papier depuis le xviiie siècle et nouvelles perspectives de dictionnaires.” PhD thesis. Université de Toulouse II.

Camurri, Antonio and Gualtiero Volpe (2003). “The Development of a Computational Notation for Synthesis of Sign and Gesture.” In: Selected Papers from Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop. Ed. by Crombie K. Smith and W. Edmondson, pp. 312–323.

Chafe, Wallace L. (1975). The Pear Story: the Movie. Berkeley: University of California. url:

Cuxac, Christian (2000). Langue des signes française (LSF): les voies de l’iconicité". Paris: Ophrys.

Cuxac, Christian and Elena Antinoro Pizzuto (2010). “Émergence, norme et Variation dans les langues des signes: vers une redéfinition notionnelle.” In: Sourds et langues des signes: norme et variations. Ed. by B. Garcia and M. Derycke. Vol. 131. Langage et Société, pp. 37–53.

Dabène, Louise and Christèle Ingelmann (1996). “Un multilinguisme en construction: l’éveil de la conscience métalinguistique.” In: AILE Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère 7, pp. 123–138.

DavSign (2018). “Lire sur les lèvres, c’est facile pour les sourds et malentendants.” url:

De Santis, Daniela (2010). “Lo Sviluppo del Linguaggio nel Bambino Sordo e Udente: Due Modalità Comunicative a Confronto.” In: Studi di Glottodidattica 1, pp. 75–91.

Di Renzo, Alessio et al. (2011). Scrivere la LIS con il SignWriting: Manuale Introduttivo. Rapporto tecnico del Progetto FIRB-VISEL. Roma: CNR. doi: doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4079.6001.

Dubuisson, Colette and Daniel Daigle, eds. (1998). Lecture, écriture et surdité—Visions actuelles et nouvelles perspectives. Montréal: Les Éditions Logiques.

Encrevé, Florence (2012). Les sourds dans la société française au xixe siècle: idée de progrès et langue des signes. Grâne (Drôme, France): Créaphis.

Filliozat, Pierre-Sylvain (2020). “Pānini (ve s. av. J.-C. env.)” In: Encyclopædia Universalis. url: (visited on 28/09/2020).

Garcia, Brigitte et al. (2007). Rapport du Projet RIAM-ANR LS Script, 2005–2007. Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

Gillot, Dominique (1998). Le droit des sourds: 115 propositions. Rapport au premier ministre. La Documentation Française.

Gombert, Jean Émile (1990). Le développement métalinguistique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Goody, Jack (1977). The Domestication of the Savage Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hanke, Thomas (2004). “HamNoSys: Representing Sign Language Data in Language Resources and Language Processing Contexts.” In: Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC Lisbon), pp. 1–6.

Hawkins, Erik (1987). Awareness of Language: an Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jouison, Paul (1978). “Cours de Gestes 1977–1978.” In: Bulletin de l’Association Ferdinand Berthier. reprinted: 2008. Archives de Langue des Signes. Limoges: Lambert Lucas, pp. 1–110.

_____________ (1995). Écrits sur la Langue des Signes Française (LSF). édition critique établie par Brigitte Garcia. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Kendon, Adam (1980). “A Description of a Deaf-Mute Sign Language from the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea with Some Comparative Discussion. Part I: The Formational Properties of Enga Signs; Part II: The Semiotic Functioning of Enga Signs; Part III: Aspects of Utterance Construction.” In: Semiotica 31.1/2 & 32.1/2–3/4.

Kyle, Jim G. and Bencie Woll (1985). Sign Language: the Study of Deaf People and their Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Leroy, Élise (2010). “Didactique de la langue des signes française, langue 1, dans les structures d’éducation en langue des signes: attitudes et stratégies pédagogiques de l’enseignant sourd.” PhD thesis. Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis.

Micouleau, Brigitte (2018). “Question écrite: accessibilité des étudiants sourds à l’enseignement supérieur.” url:

“Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale” (2015). In: Éduscol: Ressources maternelle —Mobiliser le langage dans toutes ses dimensions. Partie III. 1: L’écrit. Découvrir la fonction de l’écrit. url:

Newkirk, Don (1989). SignFont Handbook. Bellevue, WA: Edmark Corp.

Niederberger Nathalie et Prinz, Philip (2005). “La connaissance d’une langue des signes peut-elle faciliter l’apprentissage de l’écrit chez l’enfant sourd?” In: Enfance 57.4, pp. 285–297.

Pennacchi, Barbara (2008). “Mettere Nero su Bianco la LIS.” In: I Segni Parlano: Prospettive di Ricerca sulla Lingua dei Segni Italiana. Ed. by C. Bagnara et al. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 140–147.

Perini, Marie (2013). “Que peuvent nous apprendre les productions écrites des sourds? Analyse de lectes écrits de personnes sourdes pour une contribution à la didactique du français écrit en formation d’adultes.” PhD thesis. Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis.

Pizzuto, Elena and Paola Pietrandrea (2001). “The Notation of Signed Texts: Open Questions and Indications for Further Research.” In: Sign transcription and database storage of Sign information. Vol. 1/2. Sign Language Linguistics, pp. 29–43.

Prillwitz, Siegmund et al. (1989). Hamburg Notation System for Sign Languages: an Introductory Guide. Hamburg: Signum Press.

Radutzky, Elena (1992). Dizionario Bilingue Elementare della Lingua Italiana dei Segni: oltre 2500 Significati. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.

Renard, Marc (2004). Écrire les signes: la mimographie d’Auguste Bébian et les notations contemporaines. Les Essart-le-Roi: Éditions du Fox.

Rinaldi, Pasquale et al. (2014). “Sign Vocabulary in Deaf Toddlers Exposed to Sign Language since Birth.” In: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 19.3, pp. 303–318.

Sallandre, Marie-Anne (2003). “Unités du discours en langue des signes française: tentative de catégorisation dans le cadre d’une grammaire de l’iconicité.” PhD thesis. Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis.

_____________ (2014). “Compositionnalité des unités sémantiques en langues des signes: perspective typologique et développementale.” Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis.

Stokoe, William C. (1960). “Sign Language Structure: an Outline of the Visual Communication Systems of the American Deaf.” In: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10, pp. 3–34.

Stokoe, William C., Dorothy Casterline, and Carl Croneberg (1965). A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principles. Reprinted: 1976. Burtonsville MD: Linstock Press. Washington, DC: Gallaudet College Press.

Supalla, Samuel, Cecile McKee, and Jody Cripps (2014). “An Overview on the ASL-phabet.” In: Gloss Institute’s Monograph Series. Vol. 1, pp. 1–18.

Sutton, Valerie (1995). Lessons in SignWriting. La Jolla, CA: Deaf Action Committee.

Thoutenhoofd, Ernst (2003). “The British Sign Language Variant of Stokoe Notation: Report on a Type-Design Project.” In: Sign Language Studies 3.3, pp. 341–370.

   AUTHOR = {Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena},
   TITLE = {Meccanismi di Coesione Testuale e Strutture di Grande Iconicità nella Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) e Altre Lingue dei Segni},
   BOOKTITLE = {Atti Convegno Nazionale “La grammatica della Lingua Italiana dei Segni,” Venezia, 16 Maggio 2007},
   PUBLISHER = {Cafoscarina},
   ADDRESS = {Venezia},
   YEAR = {2008},
   PAGES = {16--17},

   AUTHOR = {{Assemblée Nationale and Sénat}},
   TITLE = {Loi n\up{o} 2005--102 du 11 Février 2005 pour l'Égalité des Droits et des Chances, la Participation et la Citoyenneté des Personnes Handicapées},
   YEAR = {2005},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Bébian, Roch-Ambroise Auguste},
   TITLE = {Mimographie ou essai d'écriture mimique, propre à régulariser le langage des sourds muets},
   PUBLISHER = {L.~Colas},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1825},

   AUTHOR = {Bergman, Brita and Björkstrand, Thomas},
   TITLE = {Teckentranskription: Report},
   PUBLISHER = {Institutionen för Lingvistik of Stockholms Universitet},
   ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
   YEAR = {2015},

   AUTHOR = {Besse, Anne-Sophie and Marec-Breton, Nathalie and Demont, Elisabeth},
   TITLE = {Développement métalinguistique et apprentissage de la lecture chez les enfants bilingues},
   JOURNAL = {Enfance},
   YEAR = {2010},
   VOLUME = {10},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {167--199},

   AUTHOR = {Bianchini, Claudia S.},
   TITLE = {Analyse métalinguistique de l'émergence d'un système d'écriture des langues des signes: SignWriting et son application à la langue des signes italienne (LIS)},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis \& Università degli Studi di Perugia},
   YEAR = {2012},

   AUTHOR = {Bianchini, Claudia S. and Borgia, Fabrizio},
   TITLE = {Sign Languages: Analysis of the Evolution of the SignWriting System from 1995 to 2010 and Proposals for Future Developments},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Jubilee Congress of the Technical University of Varna},
   YEAR = {2012},
   VOLUME = {6},
   PAGES = {118--123},

   AUTHOR = {Bonnal-Vergès, Françoise},
   TITLE = {Sémiogenèse de la langue des signes française (LSF)},
   PUBLISHER = {Éditions Lambert-Lucas},
   ADDRESS = {Limoges},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Bonnal-Vergès, Françoise},
   TITLE = {Sémiogenèse de la langue des signes française: étude critique des signes de la langue des signes française attestés sur support papier depuis le \‍textsc{xviii}\up{e} siècle et nouvelles perspectives de dictionnaires},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Toulouse II},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Camurri, Antonio and Volpe, Gualtiero},
   EDITOR = {Smith, Crombie K. and Edmondson, W.},
   TITLE = {The Development of a Computational Notation for Synthesis of Sign and Gesture},
   BOOKTITLE = {Selected Papers from Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   YEAR = {2003},
   PAGES = {312--323},

   AUTHOR = {Chafe, Wallace L.},
   TITLE = {The Pear Story: the Movie},
   PUBLISHER = {University of California},
   ADDRESS = {Berkeley},
   YEAR = {1975},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Cuxac, Christian},
   TITLE = {Langue des signes française (LSF): les voies de l'iconicité"},
   PUBLISHER = {Ophrys},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {2000},

   AUTHOR = {Cuxac, Christian and Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena},
   EDITOR = {Garcia, B. and Derycke, M.},
   TITLE = {Émergence, norme et Variation dans les langues des signes: vers une redéfinition notionnelle},
   BOOKTITLE = {Sourds et langues des signes: norme et variations},
   SERIES = {Langage et Société},
   YEAR = {2010},
   VOLUME = {131},
   PAGES = {37--53},

   AUTHOR = {Dabène, Louise and Ingelmann, Christèle},
   TITLE = {Un multilinguisme en construction: l'éveil de la conscience métalinguistique},
   JOURNAL = {AILE Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère},
   YEAR = {1996},
   VOLUME = {7},
   PAGES = {123--138},

   AUTHOR = {DavSign},
   TITLE = {Lire sur les lèvres, c'est facile pour les sourds et malentendants},
   YEAR = {2018},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {De Santis, Daniela},
   TITLE = {Lo Sviluppo del Linguaggio nel Bambino Sordo e Udente: Due Modalità Comunicative a Confronto},
   JOURNAL = {Studi di Glottodidattica},
   YEAR = {2010},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {75--91},

   AUTHOR = {Di Renzo, Alessio and Lamano, Luca and Lucioli, Tommaso and Pennacchi, Barbara and Gianfreda, Gabriele and Petitta, Giulia and Bianchini, Claudia S. and Rossini, Paolo and Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena},
   TITLE = {Scrivere la LIS con il SignWriting: Manuale Introduttivo},
   ADDRESS = {Roma},
   YEAR = {2011},
   NOTE = {Rapporto tecnico del Progetto FIRB-VISEL},

   EDITOR = {Dubuisson, Colette and Daigle, Daniel},
   TITLE = {Lecture, écriture et surdité---Visions actuelles et nouvelles perspectives},
   PUBLISHER = {Les Éditions Logiques},
   ADDRESS = {Montréal},
   YEAR = {1998},

   AUTHOR = {Encrevé, Florence},
   TITLE = {Les sourds dans la société française au \‍textsc{xix}\up{e} siècle: idée de progrès et langue des signes},
   PUBLISHER = {Créaphis},
   ADDRESS = {Grâne (Drôme, France)},
   YEAR = {2012},

   AUTHOR = {Filliozat, Pierre-Sylvain},
   TITLE = {Pānini (\‍textsc{v}\up{e} s. av. J.-C. env.)},
   BOOKTITLE = {Encyclopædia Universalis},
   YEAR = {2020},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Garcia, Brigitte and Brugeille, Jean-Louis and Kellerhals, Marie-Paule and Braffort, Annelies and Boutet, Dominique and Dalle, Patrice and Mercier, Hélène},
   TITLE = {Rapport du Projet RIAM-ANR LS Script, 2005--2007},
   PUBLISHER = {Agence Nationale de la Recherche},
   YEAR = {2007},

   AUTHOR = {Gillot, Dominique},
   TITLE = {Le droit des sourds: 115 propositions. Rapport au premier ministre},
   PUBLISHER = {La Documentation Française},
   YEAR = {1998},

   AUTHOR = {Gombert, Jean Émile},
   TITLE = {Le développement métalinguistique},
   PUBLISHER = {Presses Universitaires de France},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1990},

   AUTHOR = {Goody, Jack},
   TITLE = {The Domestication of the Savage Mind},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {1977},

   AUTHOR = {Hanke, Thomas},
   TITLE = {HamNoSys: Representing Sign Language Data in Language Resources and Language Processing Contexts},
   BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC Lisbon)},
   YEAR = {2004},
   PAGES = {1--6},

   AUTHOR = {Hawkins, Erik},
   TITLE = {Awareness of Language: an Introduction},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {1987},

   AUTHOR = {Jouison, Paul},
   TITLE = {Cours de Gestes 1977--1978},
   JOURNAL = {Bulletin de l'Association Ferdinand Berthier},
   YEAR = {1978},
   PAGES = {1--110},
   NOTE = {reprinted: 2008. mph{Archives de Langue des Signes}. Limoges: Lambert Lucas},

   AUTHOR = {Jouison, Paul},
   TITLE = {Écrits sur la Langue des Signes Française (LSF)},
   PUBLISHER = {L'Harmattan},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
   YEAR = {1995},
   NOTE = {édition critique établie par Brigitte Garcia},

   AUTHOR = {Kendon, Adam},
   TITLE = {A Description of a Deaf-Mute Sign Language from the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea with Some Comparative Discussion. Part I: The Formational Properties of Enga Signs; Part II: The Semiotic Functioning of Enga Signs; Part III: Aspects of Utterance Construction},
   JOURNAL = {Semiotica},
   YEAR = {1980},
   VOLUME = {31},
   NUMBER = {1/2 \& 32.1/2--3/4},

   AUTHOR = {Kyle, Jim G. and Woll, Bencie},
   TITLE = {Sign Language: the Study of Deaf People and their Language},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
   YEAR = {1985},

   AUTHOR = {Leroy, Élise},
   TITLE = {Didactique de la langue des signes française, langue~1, dans les structures d'éducation en langue des signes: attitudes et stratégies pédagogiques de l'enseignant sourd},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis},
   YEAR = {2010},

   AUTHOR = {Micouleau, Brigitte},
   TITLE = {Question écrite: accessibilité des étudiants sourds à l'enseignement supérieur},
   YEAR = {2018},
   URL = {},

   TITLE = {{Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale}},
   BOOKTITLE = {Éduscol: Ressources maternelle\hskip0pt---Mobiliser le langage dans toutes ses dimensions. Partie III. 1: L'écrit. Découvrir la fonction de l'écrit},
   YEAR = {2015},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Newkirk, Don},
   TITLE = {SignFont Handbook},
   PUBLISHER = {Edmark Corp.},
   ADDRESS = {Bellevue, WA},
   YEAR = {1989},

   AUTHOR = {Niederberger, Nathalie et Prinz, Philip},
   TITLE = {La connaissance d'une langue des signes peut-elle faciliter l'apprentissage de l'écrit chez l'enfant sourd?},
   JOURNAL = {Enfance},
   YEAR = {2005},
   VOLUME = {57},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {285--297},

   AUTHOR = {Pennacchi, Barbara},
   EDITOR = {Bagnara, C. and Corazza, S. and Fontana, S. and Zuccal, A.},
   TITLE = {Mettere Nero su Bianco la LIS},
   BOOKTITLE = {I Segni Parlano: Prospettive di Ricerca sulla Lingua dei Segni Italiana},
   PUBLISHER = {Franco Angeli},
   ADDRESS = {Milano},
   YEAR = {2008},
   PAGES = {140--147},

   AUTHOR = {Perini, Marie},
   TITLE = {Que peuvent nous apprendre les productions écrites des sourds? Analyse de lectes écrits de personnes sourdes pour une contribution à la didactique du français écrit en formation d'adultes},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Pizzuto, Elena and Pietrandrea, Paola},
   TITLE = {The Notation of Signed Texts: Open Questions and Indications for Further Research},
   BOOKTITLE = {Sign transcription and database storage of Sign information},
   SERIES = {Sign Language Linguistics},
   YEAR = {2001},
   VOLUME = {1/2},
   PAGES = {29--43},

   AUTHOR = {Prillwitz, Siegmund and Leven, Regina and Zienert, Heiko and Hanke, Thomas},
   TITLE = {Hamburg Notation System for Sign Languages: an Introductory Guide},
   PUBLISHER = {Signum Press},
   ADDRESS = {Hamburg},
   YEAR = {1989},

   AUTHOR = {Radutzky, Elena},
   TITLE = {Dizionario Bilingue Elementare della Lingua Italiana dei Segni: oltre 2500 Significati},
   PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Kappa},
   ADDRESS = {Roma},
   YEAR = {1992},

   AUTHOR = {Renard, Marc},
   TITLE = {Écrire les signes: la mimographie d'Auguste Bébian et les notations contemporaines},
   PUBLISHER = {Éditions du Fox},
   ADDRESS = {Les Essart-le-Roi},
   YEAR = {2004},

   AUTHOR = {Rinaldi, Pasquale and Caselli, Maria Cristina and Di Renzo, Alessio and Gulli, Tiziana and Volterra, Virginia},
   TITLE = {Sign Vocabulary in Deaf Toddlers Exposed to Sign Language since Birth},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {19},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {303--318},

   AUTHOR = {Sallandre, Marie-Anne},
   TITLE = {Unités du discours en langue des signes française: tentative de catégorisation dans le cadre d'une grammaire de l'iconicité},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis},
   YEAR = {2003},

   AUTHOR = {Sallandre, Marie-Anne},
   TITLE = {Compositionnalité des unités sémantiques en langues des signes: perspective typologique et développementale},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis},
   TYPE = {Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches},
   YEAR = {2014},

   AUTHOR = {Stokoe, William C.},
   TITLE = {Sign Language Structure: an Outline of the Visual Communication Systems of the American Deaf},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education},
   YEAR = {1960},
   VOLUME = {10},
   PAGES = {3--34},

   AUTHOR = {Stokoe, William C. and Casterline, Dorothy and Croneberg, Carl},
   TITLE = {A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principles},
   PUBLISHER = {Gallaudet College Press},
   ADDRESS = {Washington, DC},
   YEAR = {1965},
   NOTE = {Reprinted: 1976. Burtonsville MD: Linstock Press},

   AUTHOR = {Supalla, Samuel and McKee, Cecile and Cripps, Jody},
   TITLE = {An Overview on the ASL-phabet},
   BOOKTITLE = {Gloss Institute's Monograph Series},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {1--18},

   AUTHOR = {Sutton, Valerie},
   TITLE = {Lessons in SignWriting},
   PUBLISHER = {Deaf Action Committee},
   ADDRESS = {La Jolla, CA},
   YEAR = {1995},

   AUTHOR = {Thoutenhoofd, Ernst},
   TITLE = {The British Sign Language Variant of Stokoe Notation: Report on a Type-Design Project},
   JOURNAL = {Sign Language Studies},
   YEAR = {2003},
   VOLUME = {3},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {341--370},

Claudia S. Bianchini (2020), “How to Improve Metalinguistic Awareness by Writing a Language Without Writing: Sign Languages and Signwriting,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 1037–1063.

   AUTHOR = {Claudia S. Bianchini},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{How to Improve Metalinguistic Awareness by Writing a Language Without Writing: Sign Languages and Signwriting}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {1037--1063},
   DOI = {},