ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ C. S. BianchiniProceedingsD. Awad, G. Mourad & M.-R. Elamil ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2

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Language Identity Through Cyrillic Script. From Romanian to Moldovan by Automatic Transliteration in the Wikimoldia Project
Christian Koch ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. Wikimoldia was a website active from 2018 to 2019 on which the Romanian Wikipedia was transliterated into Cyrillic by using a PHP script. This paper discusses the technical background of the automatic transliteration performed in Wikimoldia and links the project of a Cyrillic-language Romanian Wikipedia to the political and linguistic controversies surrounding the status of the Moldovan language. It discusses how Wikimoldia can benefit the Cyrillic-socialised minorities in the eastern periphery of Romanian-speaking areas. The use of machine transliteration can also be of interest in the context of other multialphabetic languages.


Born, Joachim (2007). “Wikipedia. Darstellung und Chancen minoritärer romanischer Varietäten in einer virtuellen Enzyklopädie.” In: Sprachliche Diversität: Praktiken—Repräsentationen—Identitäten. Ed. by Martin Doring, Dietmar Osthus, and Claudia Polzin-Haumann. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, pp. 173–189.

Cimpoeșu, Dorin and Sergiu Musteață (2018). Basarabia la un secol de la Marea Unire. O istorie politică a Republicii Moldova. 1991–2018. Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun.

Coulmas, Florian (2018). An Introduction to Multilingualism. Language in a Changing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dahmen, Wolfgang (2018). “Les frontières linguistiques extérieures du dacoroumain.” In: Manuel des frontières linguistiques dans la Romania. Ed. by Christina Ossenkop and Otto Winkelmann. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 338–357.

Gabinskij, Mark A. (2002). “Moldawisch.” In: Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens. Ed. by Miloš Okuka. Klagenfurt: Wieser, pp. 133–143.

Koch, Christian (forthcoming). “Wikimoldia – Викимолдия. Rekonstruktion eines Projekts zur Vitalisierung der moldauischen Sprache.” In: Korpus im Text 10.

Kramer, Johannes (1989). “Rumänisch: Graphetik und Graphemik.” In: Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik. Ed. by Günter Holtus, Michael Metzeltin, and Christian Schmitt. Vol. III. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 14–18.

Leca-Tsiomis, Marie (2006). “Une tentative de conciliation entre ordre alphabétique et ordre encyclopédique.” In: Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encyclopédie 40.41, pp. 55–66.

Olariu, Florin-Teodor (2017). Variație și varietăți în limba română. Studii de dialectologie și sociolingvistică. Iași: Institutul European.

Onu, Liviu (1989). “Rumänisch: Langue et écriture.” In: Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik. Ed. by Günter Holtus, Michael Metzeltin, and Christian Schmitt. Vol. III. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 305–324.

Zikmund, Hans (1996). “Transliteration.” In: Schrift und Schriftlichkeit. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Ed. by Hartmut Günther and Herbert Ernst Wiegand. Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1591–1604.

   AUTHOR = {Born, Joachim},
   EDITOR = {Doring, Martin and Osthus, Dietmar and Polzin-Haumann, Claudia},
   TITLE = {Wikipedia. Darstellung und Chancen minoritärer romanischer Varietäten in einer virtuellen Enzyklopädie},
   BOOKTITLE = {Sprachliche Diversität: Praktiken---Repräsentationen---Identitäten},
   PUBLISHER = {Romanistischer Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {Bonn},
   YEAR = {2007},
   PAGES = {173--189},

   AUTHOR = {Cimpoeșu, Dorin and Musteață, Sergiu},
   TITLE = {Basarabia la un secol de la Marea Unire. O istorie politică a Republicii Moldova. 1991--2018},
   PUBLISHER = {Cetatea de Scaun},
   ADDRESS = {Târgoviște},
   YEAR = {2018},

   AUTHOR = {Coulmas, Florian},
   TITLE = {An Introduction to Multilingualism. Language in a Changing World},
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Oxford},
   YEAR = {2018},

   AUTHOR = {Dahmen, Wolfgang},
   EDITOR = {Ossenkop, Christina and Winkelmann, Otto},
   TITLE = {Les frontières linguistiques extérieures du dacoroumain},
   BOOKTITLE = {Manuel des frontières linguistiques dans la Romania},
   PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin/Boston},
   YEAR = {2018},
   PAGES = {338--357},

   AUTHOR = {Gabinskij, Mark A.},
   EDITOR = {Okuka, Miloš},
   TITLE = {Moldawisch},
   BOOKTITLE = {Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens},
   PUBLISHER = {Wieser},
   ADDRESS = {Klagenfurt},
   YEAR = {2002},
   PAGES = {133--143},

   AUTHOR = {Koch, Christian},
   TITLE = {Wikimoldia -- Викимолдия. Rekonstruktion eines Projekts zur Vitalisierung der moldauischen Sprache},
   JOURNAL = {Korpus im Text},
   YEAR = {forthcoming},
   VOLUME = {10},

   AUTHOR = {Kramer, Johannes},
   EDITOR = {Holtus, Günter and Metzeltin, Michael and Schmitt, Christian},
   TITLE = {Rumänisch: Graphetik und Graphemik},
   BOOKTITLE = {Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik},
   PUBLISHER = {Niemeyer},
   ADDRESS = {Tübingen},
   YEAR = {1989},
   VOLUME = {III},
   PAGES = {14--18},

   AUTHOR = {Leca-Tsiomis, Marie},
   TITLE = {Une tentative de conciliation entre ordre alphabétique et ordre encyclopédique},
   JOURNAL = {Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie},
   YEAR = {2006},
   VOLUME = {40},
   NUMBER = {41},
   PAGES = {55--66},

   AUTHOR = {Olariu, Florin-Teodor},
   TITLE = {Variație și varietăți în limba română. Studii de dialectologie și sociolingvistică},
   PUBLISHER = {Institutul European},
   ADDRESS = {Iași},
   YEAR = {2017},

   AUTHOR = {Onu, Liviu},
   EDITOR = {Holtus, Günter and Metzeltin, Michael and Schmitt, Christian},
   TITLE = {Rumänisch: Langue et écriture},
   BOOKTITLE = {Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik},
   PUBLISHER = {Niemeyer},
   ADDRESS = {Tübingen},
   YEAR = {1989},
   VOLUME = {III},
   PAGES = {305--324},

   AUTHOR = {Zikmund, Hans},
   EDITOR = {Günther, Hartmut and Wiegand, Herbert Ernst},
   TITLE = {Transliteration},
   BOOKTITLE = {Schrift und Schriftlichkeit. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch},
   PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter Mouton},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin},
   YEAR = {1996},
   VOLUME = {2},
   PAGES = {1591--1604},

Christian Koch (2020), “Language Identity Through Cyrillic Script. From Romanian to Moldovan by Automatic Transliteration in the Wikimoldia Project,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 1065–1080.

   AUTHOR = {Christian Koch},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{Language Identity Through Cyrillic Script. From Romanian to Moldovan by Automatic Transliteration in the Wikimoldia Project}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {1065--1080},
   DOI = {},