ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

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ISBN: 978-2-9570549-0-9
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-1-6

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Marking Tone with Punctuation: Orthography Experimentation and Reform in Eastern Dan (Côte d'Ivoire)
David Roberts, Dana Basnight-Brown & Valentin Vydrin ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. Eastern Dan has five level tones, six contours and many monosyllabic words, resulting in an extraordinarily heavy functional load of tone. This led those first involved in orthography development to create a novel system for marking tone that uses punctuation symbols in word-initial and word-final position. This orthography also has considerable segmental over-representation and makes extensive use of umlauts to symbolize vowels. In a quantitative classroom experiment, we tested it against Valentin Vydrin's recent proposal for radical reform that advocates superscript diacritics for marking tone, biunique correspondence for consonants and vowels, and special characters in place of umlauts. Sixty-eight participants with no previous exposure to written Eastern Dan were taught various combinations of tones and segments in parallel groups and their acquired skills were tested in dictation and oral reading tasks. The results point to an advantage for the experimental orthography that combines the punctuation tone marking strategy with biunique segmental correspondence and special characters for marking vowels. Nevertheless, the language community has recently adopted Vydrin's reform in its entirety.


Anderson, D., McGowen R., and K. Whistler (2005). “Unicode Technical Note #19: Recommendations for Creating New Orthographies”.

Anonymous (2019). Cours éclair pour les lecteurs du français apprenant à lire le dan de l’Est dans la nouvelle orthographe. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n.

Bernard, Russell H., George N. Mbeh, and W. Penn Handwerker (2002). “Does Marking Tone Make Tone Languages Easier to Read”. In: Human Organisation 61, pp. 339–349.

Bird, Steven (1999). “When Marking Tone Reduces Fluency: An Orthography Experiment in Cameroon”. In: Language and Speech 42, pp. 83–115.

Bolli, Margrit (1978). “Writing Tone with Punctuation Marks”. In: Notes on Literacy 23, pp. 16–18.

_____________ (1980). “Yacouba Literacy Report 2 (March 1977–February 1979)”. In: Notes on Literacy 31, pp. 1–14.

_____________ (1983). “The Victor Hugoes in Dan Country: Developing a Mother-Tongue Body of Literature in a Neoliterate Society”. In: Notes on Scripture in Use 5, pp. 3–14.

Cahill, Michael (2019). “Marking Grammatical Tone in Orthographies: Issues and Challenges”. In: 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. University of British Colombia.

Duitsman, John (1986). “Testing Two Systems for Marking Tone in Western Krahn”. In: Notes on Literacy 49, pp. 2–10.

Eberhard, David M., Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig, eds. (2019). Ethnologue: Languages of the World. 22nd ed. Online version: (accessed 3 May 2019). Dallas, TX: SIL International.

Flik, Eva (1977). “Tone Glides and Registers in Five Dan Dialects”. In: Linguistics 201, pp. 5–59.

Frieke-Kappers, Claertje (1991). Working papers in linguistics. Vol. 40: Tone Orthography in African Languages—–a Recommendation. Amsterdam: Vrye Universiteit.

ILA (1979). Une orthographe pratique des langues ivoiriennes. Abidjan: Institut de linguistique appliquée, Université d’Abidjan.

Karan, Elke (2014). “Standardization: What’s the Hurry”. In: Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages. Ed. by M. Cahill and K. Rice. Dallas, TX: SIL International, pp. 107–138.

Kutsch Lojenga, Constance (1993). “The Writing and Reading of Tone in Bantu Languages”. In: Notes on Literacy 19, pp. 1–19.

_____________ (2014). “Orthography and Tone: A Tone System Typology with Implications for Orthography Development”. In: Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages. Ed. by M. Cahill and K. Rice. Dallas, TX: SIL International, pp. 49–72.

Kuznetsova, Natalia, Olga Kuznetsova, and Valentin Vydrin (2009). “Modeling a New Guro Orthography”. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory. Ed. by P.K. Austin et al. London: SOAS, University of London, pp. 193–203.

Mfonyam, Joseph Ngwa (1989). “Tone in Orthography: The Case of Bafut and Related Languages”. Thèse d’état. Université de Yaoundé.

Osborn, Don (2010). African Languages in a Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Indigenous Language Computing. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.

Paterson III, Hugh (2019). “A Text Input Analysis of Eastern Dan”. Masters dissertation. University of North Dakota.

Perekhvalskaya, Elena and Moïse Yegbé (2018). “Dictionnaire mwan-français”. In: Mandenkan 60, pp. 3–122.

Piper, Benjamin, Leila Schroeder, and Barbara Trudell (2016). “Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Kenya: Reading Acquisition in a Multilingual Environment”. In: Journal of Research in Reading 39, pp. 133–152.

Roberts, David, ed. (submitted). Tone Orthography and Literacy: The Voice of Evidence in Ten Niger-Congo Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

_____________ (2013). “A Tone Orthography Typology”. In: Typology of Writing Systems. Ed. by S.R. Borgwaldt and T. Joyce. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 85–111.

Roberts, David, Keith Snider, and Stephen L. Walter (2016). “Neither Deep nor Shallow: Testing the Optimal Orthographic Depth for the Representation of Tone in Kabiye (Togo)”. In: Language and Speech 59, pp. 113–138.

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (2019). Gblɯ̏dʌ̄gbɤ̄-dhʌ́n [The Little Prince, in Eastern Dan]. Trans.  by Nestor Gué, Valentin Vydrin, and Emmanuel Zeh. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n.

SBI (1991). Naɔ -së ′ö go Atanna ″piʋ̈ -a ′sëëdhɛ [The New Tenstament in Dan ″Gwɛɛtaawʋ]. Abidjan: Société Biblique Internationale et Association ivoirienne pour la traduction de la Bible.

SIL (2018). “Best Practices Using Non-alphabetic Characters in Orthographies: Helping Languages Succeed in the Modern World”.

Smalley, William A. (1963). “How Shall I Write This Language?” In: Orthography Studies: Articles on New Writing Systems. Ed. by W.A. Smalley. London: United Bible Societies, pp. 31–52.

Thomas, Paule (1978). Alphabétisation en yacouba. Abidjan: Institut de Linguistique Appliquée.

Tiémoko, Baba Sébastien (2019). Wɔ́n dhɤ̏. Kwɛ̏zlȁan sʌ́ʌdhɛ̋bȅ dànwȍ gɯ́ [There are things. Fairy tale book in Eastern Dan]. Ed. by Nestor Gué, Valentin Vydrin, and Emmanuel Zeh. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n.

Tiémoko, Baba Sébastien et al. (1994). =Danwʋ ′sëëdhɛ -wʋ pö -kɔ ″gwɛɛtaawʋ [Dan ″gwɛɛtaawʋ Primer]. Abidjan: SIL.

Vydrin, Valentin (2016a). “Tonal Inflection in Mande Languages: The Cases of Bamana and Dan-Gwɛɛtaa”. In: Tone and Inflection: New Facts and New Perspectives. Ed. by E.L. Palancar and J.L. Léonard. Vol. 296. Berlin: De Gruyter — Mouton, pp. 83–105.

_____________ (2016b). “Дан язык [Dan Language]”. In: Языки мира: Языки манде [Languages of the World: Mande Languages]. Ed. by Valentin Vydrin [Валентин Выдрин] et al. St. Petersburg: Нестор-История [Nestor-Historia], pp. 469–583.

Vydrin, Valentin and Mongnan Alphonse Kességbeu (2008). Dictionnaire dan-français (dan de l’Est) avec une esquisse de grammaire du dan de l’Est et un index français-dan. 1st ed. St. Petersburg: Musée d’anthropologie et d’ethnographie, Académie des sciences de la Russie.

Vydrin, Valentin, Emmanuel Zeh, and Nestor Gué (2019). Guide de nouvelle orthographe dan de l’Est pour les apprenants familiers avec l’ancienne orthographe. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n - EDILIS.

Zeh, Emmanuel (2018). Rapport de l’assemblée générale d’adoption de la nouvelle orthographe en langue dan-est le samedi 8 décembre 2018 à Man-Libreville. Unpublished manuscript.

   AUTHOR = {Anderson, D. and McGowen R. and Whistler, K.},
   TITLE = {{Unicode Technical Note \#19: Recommendations for Creating New Orthographies}},
   YEAR = {2005},
   ADDENDUM = {\url{}},

   AUTHOR = {Tiémoko, Baba Sébastien},
   EDITOR = {Gué, Nestor and Vydrin, Valentin and Zeh, Emmanuel},
   TITLE = {{Wɔ́n dhɤ̏. Kwɛ̏zlȁan sʌ́ʌdhɛ̋bȅ dànwȍ gɯ́ [There are things. Fairy tale book in Eastern Dan]}},
   PUBLISHER = {Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n},
   ADDRESS = {Man},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Tiémoko, Baba Sébastien and Déli Tiémoko, Jacob and Bolli, Margrit and Flik, Eva},
   TITLE = {{=Danwʋ ′sëëdhɛ -wʋ pö -kɔ ″gwɛɛtaawʋ [Dan ″gwɛɛtaawʋ Primer].}},
   ADDRESS = {Abidjan},
   YEAR = {1994},

   AUTHOR = {Vydrin, Valentin},
   EDITOR = {Palancar, E.L. and Léonard, J.L.},
   TITLE = {{Tonal Inflection in Mande Languages: The Cases of Bamana and Dan-Gwɛɛtaa}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Tone and Inflection: New Facts and New Perspectives}},
   PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter — Mouton},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin},
   YEAR = {2016},
   VOLUME = {296},
   PAGES = {83--105},

   AUTHOR = {Vydrin, Valentin and Zeh, Emmanuel and Gué, Nestor},
   TITLE = {{Guide de nouvelle orthographe dan de l'Est pour les apprenants familiers avec 
   l'ancienne orthographe}},
   PUBLISHER = {Pȁ\-bhɛ̄n\-bhȁ\-bhɛ̏n - EDILIS},
   ADDRESS = {Man},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Vydrin, Valentin},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {Выдрин, В.},
   AUTHOR+AN = {1=ru-Cyrl},
   EDITOR = {Vydrin, Valentin and Mazurova, Yulia and Kibrik, Andrej and Markus, Elena},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {Валентин Выдрин and Юлия Мазурова and Ки\-брик, A. and Маркус, Е.},
   EDITOR+AN = {1=ru-Cyrl;2=ru-Cyrl;3=ru-Cyrl;4=ru-Cyrl},
   TITLE = {{Дан язык [Dan Language]}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Языки мира: Языки манде [Languages of the World: Mande Languages]}},
   PUBLISHER = {Нестор-История [Nestor-Historia]},
   ADDRESS = {St. Petersburg},
   YEAR = {2016},
   PAGES = {469--583},

   AUTHOR = {Vydrin, Valentin and Kességbeu, Mongnan Alphonse},
   TITLE = {{Dictionnaire dan-français (dan de l'Est) avec une esquisse de grammaire du 
   dan de l'Est et un index français-dan}},
   EDITION = {1},
   PUBLISHER = {Musée d'anthropologie et d'ethnographie, Académie des sciences de la Russie},
   ADDRESS = {St. Petersburg},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Zeh, Emmanuel},
   TITLE = {{Rapport de l'assemblée générale d'adoption de la nouvelle orthographe en 
   langue dan-est le samedi 8 décembre 2018 à Man-Libreville}},
   YEAR = {2018},
   ADDENDUM = {manuscrit inédit},

   EDITOR = {Eberhard, David M. and Simons, Gary F. and Fennig, Charles D.},
   TITLE = {{Ethnologue: Languages of the World}},
   EDITION = {22},
   PUBLISHER = {SIL International},
   ADDRESS = {Dallas, TX},
   YEAR = {2019},
   NOTE = {Online version: \url{} (accessed 3 May 2019)},

   EDITOR = {Roberts, David},
   TITLE = {{Tone Orthography and Literacy: The Voice of Evidence in Ten Niger-Congo Languages}},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {submitted},

   AUTHOR = {Anonymous},
   TITLE = {{Cours éclair pour les lecteurs du français apprenant à lire le dan de 
   l'Est dans la nouvelle orthographe}},
   PUBLISHER = {Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n},
   ADDRESS = {Man},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Bernard, Russell H. and Mbeh, George N. and Handwerker, W. Penn},
   TITLE = {{Does Marking Tone Make Tone Languages Easier to Read}},
   JOURNAL = {Human Organisation},
   YEAR = {2002},
   VOLUME = {61},
   PAGES = {339--349},

   AUTHOR = {Bird, Steven},
   TITLE = {{When Marking Tone Reduces Fluency: An Orthography Experiment in Cameroon}},
   JOURNAL = {Language and Speech},
   YEAR = {1999},
   VOLUME = {42},
   PAGES = {83--115},

   AUTHOR = {Bolli, Margrit},
   TITLE = {{Writing Tone with Punctuation Marks}},
   JOURNAL = {Notes on Literacy},
   YEAR = {1978},
   VOLUME = {23},
   PAGES = {16--18},

   AUTHOR = {Bolli, Margrit},
   TITLE = {{Yacouba Literacy Report 2 (March 1977--February 1979)}},
   JOURNAL = {Notes on Literacy},
   YEAR = {1980},
   VOLUME = {31},
   PAGES = {1--14},

   AUTHOR = {Bolli, Margrit},
   TITLE = {{The Victor Hugoes in Dan Country: Developing a Mother-Tongue Body of 
   Literature in a Neoliterate Society}},
   JOURNAL = {Notes on Scripture in Use},
   YEAR = {1983},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PAGES = {3--14},

   AUTHOR = {Cahill, Michael},
   TITLE = {{Marking Grammatical Tone in Orthographies: Issues and Challenges}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics}},
   PUBLISHER = {University of British Colombia},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Duitsman, John},
   TITLE = {{Testing Two Systems for Marking Tone in Western Krahn}},
   JOURNAL = {Notes on Literacy},
   YEAR = {1986},
   VOLUME = {49},
   PAGES = {2--10},

   AUTHOR = {Flik, Eva},
   TITLE = {{Tone Glides and Registers in Five Dan Dialects}},
   JOURNAL = {Linguistics},
   YEAR = {1977},
   VOLUME = {201},
   PAGES = {5--59},

   AUTHOR = {Frieke-Kappers, Claertje},
   TITLE = {{Tone Orthography in African Languages—--a Recommendation}},
   MAINTITLE = {{Working papers in linguistics}},
   PUBLISHER = {Vrye Universiteit},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {1991},
   VOLUME = {40},
   VOLUME = {40},

   AUTHOR = {ILA},
   TITLE = {{Une orthographe pratique des langues ivoiriennes}},
   PUBLISHER = {Institut de linguistique appliquée, Université d'Abidjan},
   ADDRESS = {Abidjan},
   YEAR = {1979},

   AUTHOR = {Karan, Elke},
   EDITOR = {Cahill, M. and Rice, K.},
   TITLE = {{Standardization: What's the Hurry}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages}},
   PUBLISHER = {SIL International},
   ADDRESS = {Dallas, TX},
   YEAR = {2014},
   PAGES = {107--138},

   AUTHOR = {Kutsch Lojenga, Constance},
   TITLE = {{The Writing and Reading of Tone in Bantu Languages}},
   JOURNAL = {Notes on Literacy},
   YEAR = {1993},
   VOLUME = {19},
   PAGES = {1--19},

   AUTHOR = {Kutsch Lojenga, Constance},
   EDITOR = {Cahill, M. and Rice, K.},
   TITLE = {{Orthography and Tone: A Tone System Typology with Implications for 
   Orthography Development}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages}},
   PUBLISHER = {SIL International},
   ADDRESS = {Dallas, TX},
   YEAR = {2014},
   PAGES = {49--72},

   AUTHOR = {Kuznetsova, Natalia and Kuznetsova, Olga and Vydrin, Valentin},
   EDITOR = {Austin, P.K. and Bond, O. and Charette, M. and Nathan, D. and Sells, P.},
   TITLE = {{Modeling a New Guro Orthography}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Language Documentation and 
   Linguistic Theory}},
   PUBLISHER = {SOAS, University of London},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {2009},
   PAGES = {193--203},

   AUTHOR = {Mfonyam, Joseph Ngwa},
   TITLE = {{Tone in Orthography: The Case of Bafut and Related Languages}},
   SCHOOL = {Université de Yaoundé},
   TYPE = {Thèse d'état},
   YEAR = {1989},

   AUTHOR = {Osborn, Don},
   TITLE = {{African Languages in a Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for 
   Indigenous Language Computing}},
   PUBLISHER = {Human Sciences Research Council},
   ADDRESS = {Cape Town},
   YEAR = {2010},

   AUTHOR = {Paterson III, Hugh},
   TITLE = {{A Text Input Analysis of Eastern Dan}},
   SCHOOL = {University of North Dakota},
   TYPE = {Masters dissertation},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {Perekhvalskaya, Elena and Yegbé, Moïse},
   TITLE = {{Dictionnaire mwan-français}},
   JOURNAL = {Mandenkan},
   YEAR = {2018},
   VOLUME = {60},
   PAGES = {3--122},

   AUTHOR = {Piper, Benjamin and Schroeder, Leila and Trudell, Barbara},
   TITLE = {{Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Kenya: Reading Acquisition 
   in a Multilingual Environment}},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Research in Reading},
   YEAR = {2016},
   VOLUME = {39},
   PAGES = {133--152},

   AUTHOR = {Roberts, David},
   EDITOR = {Borgwaldt, S.R. and Joyce, T.},
   TITLE = {{A Tone Orthography Typology}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Typology of Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {2013},
   PAGES = {85--111},

   AUTHOR = {Roberts, David and Snider, Keith and Walter, Stephen L.},
   TITLE = {{Neither Deep nor Shallow: Testing the Optimal Orthographic Depth 
   for the Representation of Tone in Kabiye (Togo)}},
   JOURNAL = {Language and Speech},
   YEAR = {2016},
   VOLUME = {59},
   PAGES = {113--138},

   AUTHOR = {Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de},
   TRANSLATOR = {Gué, Nestor and Vydrin, Valentin and Zeh, Emmanuel},
   TITLE = {{Gblɯ̏dʌ̄gbɤ̄-dhʌ́n [The Little Prince, in Eastern Dan]}},
   PUBLISHER = {Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n},
   ADDRESS = {Man},
   YEAR = {2019},

   AUTHOR = {SBI},
   TITLE = {{Naɔ -së ′ö go Atanna ″piʋ̈ -a ′sëëdhɛ [The New Tenstament in 
   Dan ″Gwɛɛtaawʋ].}},
   PUBLISHER = {Société Biblique Internationale et Association ivoirienne pour 
   la traduction de la Bible},
   ADDRESS = {Abidjan},
   YEAR = {1991},

   AUTHOR = {SIL},
   TITLE = {{Best Practices Using Non-alphabetic Characters in Orthographies: 
   Helping Languages Succeed in the Modern World}},
   YEAR = {2018},
   NOTE = {\url{}},

   AUTHOR = {Smalley, William A.},
   EDITOR = {Smalley, W.A.},
   TITLE = {{How Shall I Write This Language?}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Orthography Studies: Articles on New Writing Systems}},
   PUBLISHER = {United Bible Societies},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {1963},
   PAGES = {31--52},

   AUTHOR = {Thomas, Paule},
   TITLE = {{Alphabétisation en yacouba}},
   PUBLISHER = {Institut de Linguistique Appliquée},
   ADDRESS = {Abidjan},
   YEAR = {1978},

David Roberts, Dana Basnight-Brown & Valentin Vydrin ORCID iD icon (2019), Marking Tone with Punctuation: Orthography Experimentation and Reform in Eastern Dan (Côte d'Ivoire), in Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Brest: Fluxus Editions, 293–327

   AUTHOR = {Roberts,David and Basnight-Brown, Dana and Vydrin, Valentin},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{Marking Tone with Punctuation: Orthography Experimentation and 
   Reform in Eastern Dan (Côte d'Ivoire)}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Graphemics in the 21st Century, Brest 2018}},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2019},
   PAGES = {293--327},
   DOI = {},